Saturday, November 26, 2011


Could it have been more beautiful? Bright blues skies, warm enough to go jacketless, or just wear a sweater. It's interesting that when we had that freak early winter storm just before Halloween the rightwingers once again brought up how this was proof there isn't "global warming" but when the weather is exceptionally warm for the season, like today, and yesterday, and tomorrow, etc. not a peep from the right on how warm it is for almost December.

Ah the vagaries of ideological purity. Thankfully the left doesn't suffer from that! It's like the problem with the Democratic Party not being as disciplined and speaking with one voice whatever the party line is for the day because people in the Democratic Party are just too damn democratic.

Anyway, hope you're Thanksgiving holiday was as warm and pleasant and loving and satisfying as mine.


  1. We don't do Thanksgiving here in Australia, Michael, as you'd know but I'm glad it was a good experience for you. There's nothing like good weather to cheer the heart, however dreadful other aspects of life can be.

  2. Good food, good friends and family and then good weather on top of that seems like the best ingredients for creating gratitude whatever the occasion.
    I've also learned that expressing gratitude is as important as feeling it, so let me thank you Elisabeth for the honesty of your blog and your presence here on mine.

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  6. Ditto Michael ...
    Still beautiful enough and temperature-friendly to be painting outside in December. I'm in my glory.
    I can tell you that I do not have any canvases dated this time of year that have been completed out doors - and it has not been for lack of wanting to ...
    I have to assume that since the previous two posts have not been deleted, you're either traveling, busy living the good life, or in the spirit of Obama's good will - you're pardoning yet another turkey ...

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  8. Give it a rest and try doing something constructive.

  9. Hey Paul and Robert, hope your Thanksgiving holidays were full of love, mine has been and I suspect yours too. I know you, as I, try to base your lives on love not fear, unlike others who will go unmentioned.
