On the second "snow day" for my young son and his schoolmates because of the second weather catastrophe for our state, New Jersey, in only a mater of months (the snow isn't what's keeping him home from school, the downed wires are, which includes a live one only one building up from the old house our apartment is in resulting in our street being closed off since the weekend) I want to offer this video that is making the rounds among some of my friends, including my friend and neighbor "Doc" Burke who sent it to me.
I don't agree with everything the speaker in this video says, but I appreciate his reasoned, logical argument for seeing our president and his achievements more "relistically":
Outstanding! I'm sitting here wondering exactly where you did not agree with what the speaker said. I couldn't find anything I disagreed with.* Some things I might have said in a different way, but the core points ring true for me on all counts.
ReplyDelete* I know, I ended that sentence with a preposition. But, as Winston Churchill observed "That is one rule up with which I will not put."
~ Willy
Actually I thought he could have named a lot more that Obama accomplished in just a few years, but I would take exception to the adjective used to describe the President's compromises. As many of his supporters feel, I too think he went in to negotiations with Republicans too often conceding too much before they even began or shortly thereafter.
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ReplyDeleteIf he is not re-elected,mass propaganda, ignorance, resentment and juvenile expectations will be the cause of another American tragedy
ReplyDeleteagreed. The right wingers are nothing but haters for hate sake, and Jim is a prime example of this. Jim is nothing but a hater for hate's sake, I repeat. Same with Ann Coulter, etc. Cain, Palin, Bachman, all of them, haters for hate's sake because that gives them some warped sense of self importance, but it's really shameful, and shamelss, stupidity. UnChristian to the max.
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ReplyDeleteRobert, I don't think most on the right, including our regular commenter I just deleted another lie from, comprehend "hate" the way you or I might. Their wiring is so particularly accepting of false analogies and strawdog comparisons that they actually convince themselves (much the way Reagan did that he was IN WWII while he was making movies about it in Hollywood) that, say, Obama is a socialist, or communist, or Kenyan or etc. and only Republicans know what's best for the country or can handle nationals security etc. and are "realists" etc. which all factual evidence contradicts.
ReplyDeleteI mean, listen to this part of the comment I deleted above: "It is not hateful to favor constitutional governemt and free enterprise.Nor is it hateful to oppose socialism and an expansion of big govt."
Now he either truly believes that only he and his fellow rightwingers "favor constitutional government" etc (even though they are constantly twisting what The Constitution says in order to justify things like declaring corporations "people" etc.) , which would mean he has no capacity for understanding reality not filtered through rightwing ideology (and you are right Robert, it's obvious, just from his statement alone, that it is an ideology of hatred for anyone who disagrees, even if the disagreement is a fiction created by the right!) or he is cynically lying once again and knows that centrist and liberal and progressive Democrats and even many further to the left "favor constitutional government and free enterprise," and even "oppose socialism" (at least in some of its manifestations) and the "expansion of big government."
Just as many Republicans and rightwingers support and supported the "socialism" aspects of, say, Medicare and voiced no opposition to their leaders" "expansion of big govt." (including when they got a twofer on those two issues from Bush/Cheney's expansion of prescription medicine benefits to Medicare).
Of course once Obama became president, those rightwingers including the stalker of this blog who never voiced any opposition to Reagan or Bush Junior's expansion of big government or policies that could be described as having a "socialism" aspect to it in the broadest sense (which is the only way that term can be used in the context of "American" politics and politicians since the only true socialist we have is Bernie Sanders, and he often votes in ways that actually oppose true socialism), once Obama was in suddenly they oppose things Reagan and Bush/Cheney could do with impunity (including in Reagan's case raising taxes on the wealthy!).
So either the rightwinger is a greater liar than even his comments indicate, or he actually believes this strawdog argument for the right's superiority. He seems not to be capable, as does the right in general (though we know his corporate media rightwing puppeteers cynically egg their followers on with perspectives the puppeteers know are false) of grasping reality, but only the rightwing distortion of facts and deliberately misleading misinformation to bolster what is simply a ploy to grant even greater power to corporate domination for our politics and society and culture and lives.
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