Friday, November 18, 2011


[And for those who would argue that nothing should be off the table for cutting, Congress has been borrowing from Social Security funds for decades—that was one of the things Al Gore was for changing, calling for a "lockbox" so those funds could not be raided to pay for other Congressional programs—so in that way Social Security has already been cut and continues to be. If any changes should be made it should be that Social Security funds can not be used for anything but Social Security benefits. If you still insist it has to be cut, than those with millions or billions in the bank that came from earnings not taxed for Social Security shouldn't get any Social Security benefits.]


  1. Wouldn't you love a Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren (or vice versa) ticket in the next election? They're practically the only politicians with the courage and brains to stand up to the anti-American corporatist right wing that is destroying the country.

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  4. The deleted one actually accused Elizabeth Warren of being "more like a communist" surprising.

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  6. It can't get any clearer than that ...

    That segment should be played on a continuous 24/7 tape loop to anyone who disagrees because the facts are indisputable. Even Gingrich, with all his historical prowess wouldn't be able to disagree.

    Wouldn't be a bad manifesto/mantra for the OWS movement either when they march on Washington. Now that would be a national social media event worth coordinating and achieving.

    I'm so sick of the stupidity and ignorance that is not only represented in the GOP candidates, the Tea Party Junior members of Congress - but obviously in a large section of our population that these people represent. Do they even know how obscure and distasteful the Right Wing Conservative Christian ideologies sound to the civilized world?
    The only other comparable groups are extremist organizations we've been to war with over the past century.

    Kudos to Bernie ...

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  8. "Free enterprise" got us into this mess. And stop using the disrespectful term "Obamanomics". Show a little respect to your elected Commander in Chief.

  9. Sorry Robert, just had to turn him off.

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  11. The hard working, God-fearing union wage earners, of which I am one, have been fucked by your unregulated "free enterprise" gun toting, ignorant teapocrits. Your so-called mentality and violence have sabatoged and obstructed the security and prosperity of our nation. I and legions of hard working, good people do not take this lightly, nor do we take lightly that from moment one, you have sabatoged the efforts of our president and then blamed him for a situation created by you and yours.


    Just one more in an endless stream of examples of Repube's outright lying, ignorance, lack of integrity, moral corruption and sinning.

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  14. Robert, I forgot to mention the OWS fellow who shot at the Obama WH. Some or at least one Portland OWS made statements of solidarity with the shooter. Seems like the vilolence is all on the liberal side.

  15. Jim, even the simple threats of incivility (gun totting), sabotage (McConnel's vow to derail Obama), and threat to security (by jamming right wing conservative ideas down peoples throats with legislation) can be deemed as terrorist behavior.
    Time to own the destruction of a nation that had promise Jim - you and yours may be winning a lot of well financed skirmishes, but as is typical with this new breed of Republicans - they have lost sight of the bigger picture.
    And to think it was all about winning brinksmanship at any cost. I'm sure when your eventual demise of policy and ideology are lost to global modernization you'll be blaming the liberals for not fighting against you more.
    Either way, the environment being fostered by the right is pathetic.

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  18. Boy, go away from the computer for a few hours and the deleted one dumps more garbage on my blog than hurricane Irene did on the front yard of the old house my apartment's in!

    Since Robert and Paul responded I'm tempted to leave some of his garbage in this comments thread, but I won't abide his and his rightwing puppeteers' relentlessly lying about our president. It's not just traitorous the way they do it, and immoral and cowardly, but even worse, because if any of their lies were factual they would be reason for not just impeachment but real and possibly fatal harm.

    Notice that the man who shot at the White House recently is being accused by the right and its parrots of being a member of Occupy Wall Street, but the language the attempted assassin used in his writings and statements (like the declaration that he is Jesus!) all comes from rightwing sources, including fundamentalist so-called "Christians" and rightwing mouthpieces like Rush.

    The right always tries to deflect any responsibility for their instigating hatred and traitorous speech and actions away from their attempts to deliberately cause harm!

    The deleted one knows what my politics are, and yours, Robert and Paul, and we know his. He is not changing nor are we, I believe. His goal is to stir us up and get a reaction. It validates his ignorance and hatred, his lying provocations and those he gets them from the rightwing media mouthpieces and parrots here and elsewhere.

  19. Before Ortega-Hernandez was captured, investigators searched the Occupy D.C. campground near the White House but have found no connection between him and the Occupy protesters, according to three law enforcement officials familiar with the case.

    Read the arrest warrant and affidavit:
    Oscar Ortega Hernandez Arrest Warrant and Complaint


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  22. You must be looking in the mirror when you say that Jim.

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  25. Jim as you request, please cite specific examples of your hearsay based, heretical rantings. Including your assertion of my racism toward Herman Cain, a man who exemplifies your ignorance of history, both of this nation, the world and his own life, unable to own up to his long history of sexual harrasment.

  26. The Associated Press reported that the two women received a standing ovation at the pre-race meeting with drivers, during which Obama said NASCAR was “amazing in terms of its support, not just today but every day, for military families.”

    Before the race, the first lady addressed a barbeque for military families that NASCAR had invited to the event.

    “Everyone around the country is focused on you. And this isn’t just an effort today,” she said. “ Jill and I through Joining Forces, we want to make this a part of the dialogue in this country forever. Whether Jill or I are here or not, whether this administration is here or not, this is about the way we want this country to talk about our troops, veterans and military families forever. We want you to feel that appreciation and that gratitude so that you know your sacrifice is not in vain.”

    I checked the video on this and did not hear any noticeable booing, only cheers. If there was booing, it was negligible and came from classless idiots, like jim.

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  28. "OWS Rapes, murders..." LIE
    "shots on WH..." LIE (see earlier law enforcement date on this post). Michael Lally has more courage and intellectual fortitude in his nail clippings than you and the entire herd of spineless, brainless teapocrits combined will ever have in your entire pathetic lives.

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  30. Robert, I admire your persistence in responding to the deleted one's lies. he started his last comment by suggesting you "google OWS" to find his lies verified. Obviously he has no idea that the Internet allows anyone to write about any subject and indeed even lie about it, and that the newest algorithm Google uses arranges whatever you google according to what it figures you're interested in by following your web surfing habits, so anyone who follows rightwing blogs and faux news and etc. if he or she googles OWS (I always write "Occupy Wall Street" which in itself creates a different list for the first few pages) will get a list that begins with rightwing propaganda.

    It disgusts me how frequently the right resorts to lying about anyone or anything it feels threatens its power. Yes, lies occur in all walks of life and no one is free of guilt for them, including the center and left areas of the political spectrum, but the right has used "the big lie" technique advocated by the Nazis and used by other political absolutists ever since Nixon's cohorts admittedly emplyed it as a technique to discredit the anti-war activistos and then any they considered the "enemy" including any Democract or republican who dared to question the Nixon administration's policies or propaganda.
    On his deathbed Lee Atwater, one of the main architects of this technique who helped Reagan perfect the Nixon era rightwing "big lie" technique, not only confessed to using it but stated his regret for the damage it had done to politics and society at large.
    That didn't stop it being applied even more heavy handedly by the Bush/Cheney forces, and getting away with it because so much of the populace by then had become misled and misinformed by the continuing rightwing propaganda machine, especially Faux News and Rush, which the deleted ones parrots almost perfectly.
    So good for you for calling out these lies Robert, but no amount of "facts" will deter the right from propagating lies that serve their ends, which is to gain and maintain power to be wielded in the interests of corporate power and the wealthy who benefit from unlimited and unregulated corporate power.

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  32. What Jim and the idiocracy don't realize is without a healthy, solvent consumership, the corporations will eventually starve and die. They are all so short sighted and narrow minded that they don't see this. Jim is not only mine and our enemy, but he's his own enemy as well because eventually the evil-hate-lies-greed,etc he spews will catch up to him and all the idiocracy as well.

  33. And I believe Jim is fully aware that his "google ows" tactic yields lies, propaganda and hate based imposter-factoids, but he bandies them because he just an ass.

  34. I'm not so sure Robert. Some of the right's words and actions are meant to provoke "liberals" and others more to the left to react and hopefully overreact. In some instances the right actually finds this amusing. But in other cases I believe they actually convince themselves, as Reagan seemed often capable of doing, that the lies they tell are real. I believe it's partly their inability to use reason and logic to analyze facts because facts get in the way of ideology and often contain large gray areas full of nuance and gradations of interpretations. It's been shown by neurological studies that people respond more emotionally positive to simple black and white, "right and wrong" statements whether they're true or not. Most of us whose minds are capable of registering and interpreting the subtleties of reality can go deeper in factual evidence to draw logical conclusions. But many on the right are incapable of that. If one of their leaders or media mouthpieces puts out a simple black and white statement about those in the occupy Wall Street movement, not only are they primed to accept it by years of being propagandized in this way by the media they pay attention to—Rush, Faux etc.—and they're only too anxious to accept as fact any lie that bolsters what we see as the absurdities (that you point out) of their positions and defends their ideology as the only "true" reflection of what their corporate masters see as in their interests. Thus the greed of the wealthy will somehow will help the poor do better because the wealthy will hire them to shine their shoes and a minimum wage for doing that job will only keep the even poorer from getting a job etc. ad nauseum. But in the end, I really think the deleted one believes his unreason and illogic and desperate lies are what's real, and he uses his rightwing media masters' unreason, illogic, and desperate lies to prove it!

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  36. You may be right, because what I said actually infers the possibility of thought and conscious choice, something completely absent in Jim's wind-up drivel.

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  40. This might be a record number of deletions for Jim on a single post. He seems to be getting crazier and crazier. Why won't he just go away, or start his own blog?

  41. The idiocy of liberal,socialists,ows,comunists and Obamnomics must be confronted. No more anarchy, lawlessness and trashing of the Constitution by any party.

  42. Because God knows it was "liberals, socialists, communists, and 'Obamanomics'" that invaded Afghanistan and Iraq while cutting taxes for the wealthy so that a surplus was turned into the biggest deficit in our history while they controlled the presidency, Supreme Court and Congress that were responsible for policies that led to the worst economic collapse since The Great Depression and declaring corporations "people" and busied themselves in the private lives of citizens and created even new restrictions on privacy while defending the right of criminals to bear arms and refused to compromise on any attempts to balance spending cuts with raising taxes even back to what they were in Reagan's era, or Clinton's etc. etc. Oh wait, no, that was rightwing Republicans.

    [I'm leaving the comment that inspired my response not because I think he will get it or acknowledge the facts my response is based on but just to demonstrate how unreasonable, illogical and dishonest the right is as personified in the usually deleted one. Even though I'm aware that those of us who are reasonable, logical and honest are quite aware of all that already of course.]

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  44. A good summation Michael. Jim remains un American. He claims to be a student of or well versed in history but he is completely clueless, a supreme hypocrit. He touts the Constitution but then goes on to denigrate those who exercise their Constituational rights.

  45. It is good to exercise one's constitutional rights as long as that exercise does not violate other person's rights.

  46. True, like Wall Street, hedge funders, corps and the greedopoly violating the unalieable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of the population, by theft of hard earned pay, theft of health services, theft of election (2000), starting "wars" based on lies that was not the will of the people, but for the profit of the greedopoly (Cheney et al).

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