Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Then politicians who rave about "the sanctity of marriage" and are found cheating on their spouses could actually be put in jail for a while, or male politicians who push for criminalizing homosexuality and then are caught with their pants down with members of their own gender, could be thrown in a cell.

Or religious authorities or coaches who tell those in their charge they should live up to standards and practices they don't themselves.

No military authority would be allowed to tout their "Christian" credentials and beliefs unless they turned the other cheek and refused to kill anyone. Nor would they be allowed to rant against "socialism" since they and their fellow and sister military folks benefit from the most socialist of institutions, getting free meals and shelter and healthcare etc.

No member of Congress could benefit from anything he or she is attempting to cut spending for the rest of us on. Nor could they accuse their opponents in other parties of anything they too are doing (best example Newt Gingrich impeaching Clinton because of his affair with an intern at the same time he was in a marriage while Newt was having an affair with an intern at the same time he was in a marriage, etc.).

Man, this is a list that has the potential of actually truly being endless.

Of course, I've been guilty of hypocrisy too, but wouldn't mind being held accountable on the petty levels I've engaged in if those at the top who literally sometimes get away with murder while condemning others for that were held accountable.

I can dream can't I?

[Another example is my not being allowed to tout my once encyclopedic memory anymore, since I could have sworn I wrote a post yesterday but discovered this morning I had only thought about it, so any impatience with anyone over their forgetting something is a bit hypocritical of me, ain't it?)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Amen to your list. I've been amused by the attention being paid to the allegations against Cain at the same time that Gingrich, who has admitted to affairs while he was married, is being given a pass on his past.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. It's all unfortunately pretty predictable Tom.

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  6. Ay yi yi, the deleted one actually commented on Obama taking too long a vacation! And when Bush Junior was in and took the longest vacations in modern presidential history not a peep from the same character. Every comment he leaves is proof of his hypocrisy! I'd leave them on but why validate his parroting of the latest rightwing talking point. That's what we have Faux News for.

  7. we're all guilty of hypocrisy in some manner. I detest gratuitous violence in the media and I plan to get through life without owning or firing a gun, but rather, to employ spirit, dialog and understanding to resolve conflicts that the media irresponsibly depicts being resolve with gun violence, yet I work on films like Transformers in order to support my family, to pay for full time nurses for my quadriplegic sister Patti. I also am against slaughter of animals, yet i consume flesh and wear leather. There is hypocrisy the sin and hypocrisy the crime, where it hurts our society and the public - such is Gingrich, Cain, Henry Hyde et al.

  8. The aforementioned public figures are guilty of both, the crime includes the sin.
