Sunday, December 11, 2011


This time here.


  1. Another case of agenda and hate based opposition by hypocrits whose closets are full of skeletons and who practice the opposite of what they preach, including Jim, whose only valid achievements are hypocrisy, hate, ignorance and lies.

  2. Mostly agree Robert, though I'd change the "only" to "mostly" since as my mother used to say, there's a little bit of good in the worst of us (which always made me think of exceptions like Hitler).

  3. In Mother's defense, even "h" liked art and architecture ...

  4. to push that a little further - what is it that makes people so evil in spite of that glimmer of goodness - including the likes of politicians that are sand-bagging legislation that obviously benefits some of the most desperate among the population.
    I really believe most of these guys don't know how an extra $1,000 dollars a year or a few more weeks of unemployment benefits can mean the difference between utter devastation and hope - it often means being able to pay the rent and avoid eviction and the prospects of homelessness or keeping a roof above their heads.
    It really doesn't sound like a lot unless its almost impossible to get it without breaking the law, or compromising your own values.
    Its where the heartlessness and carelessness of politicians begins to appear that they've turned their backs on the under-privileged (often not by their own fault, but companies closing and moving manufacturing elsewhere) - where that sort of inhumanity begins to look monstrously evil as they smirk their way to party-line victories ...
    Sometimes the appearance of Cantor, McConnel, and Boehner doesn't look dissimilar to the most horrid images in history - and they don't even like art.

  5. I agree with your Mom in principle, or at least that there's the potential for good in all. Just as there is the same water in a tsunami that destroys everything in its path as there is in an irrigating spring that nurtures life and sustenance. Jim, who opposes unions of which I am a member and has enabled me, without becoming rich, but to support my quadriplegic sister, my other disabled sister and our Mom for decades, who opposes and denigrates lawful citizens exercising their constitutional rights in trying to end the criminal pillaging of our population, who opposes health care for my family and others in need, who opposes based on prejudice the efforts of our President to right the wrongs of his predecessor, Jim is my enemy (and yours) and whatever good there may be in him is unfortunately negated and cancelled out by his overriding ill will.

  6. Both of you, Paul and Robert, make good points and good sense and inspire me to think more deeply about this. So thanks.

  7. Admirably, you are willing, and most able, to consider what is presented to you and think about it, unlike some others we know of. This is part of why I respect you and consider you a teacher.

  8. Apropos of the general discussion, you may have heard about Lowes Home Improvement pulling its ads from the TV show "All American Muslim" at the behest of a evangelical organization. If you look on the Lowes website, this is in direct contradiction to is mission and other statements regarding diversity, inclusion, ethics, social responsibility, community and more. The email for Lowes' CEO is: should you wish to write in about this matter.
