,,,when it comes to the postal service. Rightwing Republicans are always going on about the Constitution and The Founding Fathers, but it was the Republicans who semi-privatized the U.S. Postal Service which led, in part, to the situation now, where post offices are closing and hours of delivery being cut back, and other changes for the worse for those who still rely on the mail for many things (i.e. the poor who don't have access to computers and smart phones, and those not-so-poor who haven't succumbed to the Internet's lure).
The U. S. Postal Service was established in the Constitution, one of those very specific articles there, and further honed by The Founding Fathers in the years after that article was ratified. So, in order to provide for the general welfare of all its citizens, the U. S. government should be able to run the Post Office with revenues from taxes as well as postage and other fees. But like the country's railroad system(s), rightwing Republicans have managed to decimate the Postal Service, as well as the rail lines (which can be justified by the Constitution in several ways, but one of them might be the section about "postal roads" being built and maintained, since a lot of mail has always traveled by mail).
And they've done this while subsidizing, with our tax dollars, big banks, oil companies, weapons manufacturers, billionaires, etc. etc. etc. (which is nowhere supported in The Constitution).
But as post offices disappear, and those of us who still use the mail get forced to turn to "for profit" carriers like UPS and FedEx (the U.S. Postal Service was not meant to be "for profit" until the Republicans changed it to a semi-private corporation back in the '70s), rightwing politicians will continue to tout their proprietary claim on The Constitution and The Founding Fathers as if the rest of us can't read or don't bother to, so will never realize what hypocritical liars they can be and often are.
who needs mail when your dead because you don't have health insurance or you're shot dead with a automatic weapon by second amendment mis-protected individual who didn't get education because there were no schools and didn't get counseling or mental health care because his family couldn't afford it?
ReplyDeleteLal--Zuckster is probably right, especially if Gingrinch is elected next year, and the Boehner/Kantor/Ryan/McConnell/
ReplyDeleteSessions/Shelby axis takes total control of Congress.
Meanwhile, here's another service that will be lost if the P.O. is killed off: Postal Money Orders, the poor people's checking accounts. Millions of working class people who for whatever reason do not have or cannot afford checking accounts, pay their bills every month by purchasing and mailing--via the Post Office, P.O. money orders. So add the loss of reasonably-priced money orders to the list of items, practices, institutions, etc., the right is killing off in their ongoing class-war against working people.
Bob B.
Lal--Ralph Nader reminds us that another way to increase revenue for the Post Office would be to bring back Postal Savings Accounts. Your readers can find this and other suggestions for increasing postal revenue and thus preventing the corporate geeks from killing the P.O. in Nader's article at the CounterPunch website.
ReplyDeleteBob B.
I hear you guys, and thanks Bob for the website.
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ReplyDeleteJIm said...
ReplyDeleteRobert, A lot of things will be possible when Obamacare is repealed or ruled unconstitutional.
Are you every embarrassed by your venom? You and certainly Lally are unable to discuss a political or economic concept with out name calling which of course amplifies the weakness of your argument and mind.
JIm said...
Robert, I suspect we Tea Party folks will pick up the pace as the election nears. OWS has big time support from Democrats. I wonder if the support will stick when the unwashed and lawless descend on the Democrat Party convention a la' 1968.
December 10, 2011 8:45:00 AM EST
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JIm said...
Jon Corzine was a democrat party talent that rose to governorship and to the senate. Even though Corzine was a co sponsor of Sarbanes Oxley that required chief executives sign for the veracity of their financial statements, Corzine testified that he now does not know where customers' money went.
It is good to remember that Biden and Obama named Corzine as their goto guy on the economy. He was also on the short list for Obama's treasury secratary. I suspect he will now spend a lot of time in jail.
December 9, 2011 5:38:00 PM EST
You have to be embarrassed that as you spout about the Constitution you delete opposing views. Oops I forgot that liberals have no honor thus are incapable of emabarrassment.
The constitution does not require that it be run at a loss by unions. It is ok to farm out some or all of USPS to FEDx.
Newt ended 40 years of democrat house rule and dragged Clinton kicking an screaming to welfare reform and four years of balance budgets.
December 10, 2011 3:38:00 PM EST
"unwashed and lawless" - who's a namecaller? Hypocrit.