Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So Romney "made history" by being the first non-incumbent Republican running for president to win both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. Looks like the nomination is his.

His victory speech tonight was actually pretty well written and delivered. If he can keep that up he'll be a more formidable challenger to Obama than maybe some pundits on the the Democratic side might have thought.

But it's so dismaying to hear the horrible rhetoric, even if it's a smart strategy for beating the president. Because it's based on the same old rightwing Republican lies and misinformation and misdirection.

Did anyone notice the news that the American automobile industry had a terrific year? The best since the before Bush/Cheney Great Recession began. And the rightwing Republicans were against bailing out the car companies. They would have let all those jobs disappear into some other country!

Obama's made mistakes, and continues to, but he's also done things no Republican would ever do these days, like at least put some limits on insurance companies and help out at least some working people (not to mention getting Osama Bin Laden and keeping a few other promises Bush/Cheney had eight years to fulfill but failed to).

It's gonna be a bumpy ride.


  1. Romney et al prey on the ignorance of citizens and misuse words and soundbites that pander to fear. Wouldn't it be a nice surprise and perhaps even garner a bit of respect if one of them actually had the character to acknowledge the situation President Obama came into and what he has accomplished in the face of lies and premeditated opposition from the get.

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  7. This is the way these cretins work, and the corporations and the rightwing leaders and most of the Republican Party whose interests they want to protect. They have the resources and power to harass their opposition to death, or at least into giving up. But at least that won't happen here.

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  14. Michael, would you please delete the above nonsensical, inaccurate, untruthful rant?

  15. Thanks Robert. Not just lies but hateful destructive lies, the kind that have caused the divisive politics that leave our government disfunctional and serve the interests of the greedheads who profit from that by avoiding regulations and oversight and paying their fair share etc. As I've said before, the only patriot act we need is one that calls rightwingers rightfully traitors who want to overthrow the Constitutional democratic government we have and replace it with the kind of oligarchy that serves the interests of the most rapacious corporate greed ala the Bush/Cheney years and the havoc they wrought on the economy, fairness, not to mention lives lost in an unecessary war.

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  18. For anyone interested in the deleted ones rightwing lies and misinformation and misdirections etc. just go back through years of this blog to find tons of them and tons of comments from various sources calling him on it and him always changing the subject when that happens. So that's why I don't waste time anymore on refuting claims that are only meant to provoke a reaction that somehow makes him feel validated for his animosity toward our president, our democracy, our Constitution unless reinterpreted by rightwing activist justices (Citizens United anyone?), any progress we've made since Herbert Hoover and especially toward me. Totally tiresome.

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  21. "The Constitution gives presidents the power to make appointments when the Senate is in recess."

    Bloomberg news, January 13, 2012

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  24. The only jerk in the room is you Jim, in fact calling you a jerk is an insult to jerks. Between you and all the repubes and teapocrites, I'd be surprised if you could pass the citizenship test.

  25. Sorry Robert, I deleted his comment before yours came up on my screen. Calling a Constitutional lawyer, even if he does things some of us don't like on both the left and right an "unconstitutional jerk" is obviously misdirection and misinformation to avoid the real issue at stake in that particular instance. And remember brother, he only leaves these comments to get us to react. That is his aim.

  26. Yes, I realize that. I believe that blocking the formation of unions or relieving business owners, large or small from their obligation to inform workers of their rights and undermine workers' ability to live securely is also unconstitutional.

  27. Absolutely, as is declaring corporations people! The Founding Fathers these rightwingers are always pretending to honor would be appalled at what the right has done to shred the basic tenets of the Constitution.

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