Thursday, January 26, 2012


I figured everybody had seen this by now. but in case you haven't:

[PS: I love that little humble tilt of the head at the end, it articulates a lot people miss about this guy as a person, not politician.]


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  3. Dude, your whole thing is about "crony capitalism"-that's all you ever talk about, so if that's what your President is doing, you should applaud it. And it's telling that you refer to "taxpayers" when you are so anti-taxation. Your rhetoric reveals your true colors-that you are against your President no matter what because he has a middle eastern sounding name and has of mixed racial lineage (as are we all, just more diluted).

  4. Good retort Robert, but I wouldn't lay it on racism, the right was similarly vitriolic over Clinton and will be over whatever Democrat may win in the future. But you're entirely correct in my view in saying that it doesn't matter what the president does, they will reject and condemn it. As has been pointed out endlessly, but they will never acknowledge, many of the policies they object to from Obama they embraced when promotoed by Republicans, including Reagan etc. because the center has moved so far to the right since Reagan the right now sees past conservative Republican positions as socialist anti-American etc. etc. etc.

    But it's a waste of time to point out their lies and inconsistencies because, as you note, it has nothing to do with policy and everything to do with power, gaining it and maintaining it in the interest of the corporations and the most wealthy beneficieries of their unchecked greed. Thus I once again deleted the poor misguided victim of the propaganda he has been brainwashing himself with. Pity the rightwingers for their inability to see that almost everything they advocate hurts them, their families and all of us unless we are the 1% and even then they are destroying their own progeny's future.

  5. Thanks for the light of truth and reason shined into the miasma of prejudice (whether racial or political), ignorance and hatred. President Obama's second term will see significant advancements and improvements in all areas.

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  8. You have to love our president. He is awesome. What a voice!!!

  9. And so unexpected, at least to me. As Shakespeare would say, he's a man of many parts.
