Saturday, February 4, 2012


So when Obama took office, unemployment was beginning to skyrocket, it's now going in the right direction, down.

When Obama took office, the stock market was crashing worse than ever, going straight down, it's been mostly going up ever since, with drops, some big ones, but the general trajectory has been up.

When Obama took office we were losing millions of jobs a year. Now we're gaining over a million a year and rising.

When Obama took office Bin Laden was thumbing his nose at Bush's failed attempts to capture or kill him. Not any more.

When Obama took office we relied on other countries for over sixty per cent of our energy needs. Now we rely on foreign energy sources like oil especially for forty percent and still heading down.

When Obama took office if my child had a preexisting condition health insurance companies could turn him down, now they can't, and back then when my son turned twenty-one my health plan would no longer cover him, now it will, until he's twenty-six.

When Obama took office, the American car industry, once the pride of the country and the envy of the world, had been failing for years and the right, which created a lot of the conditions leading to that failure, were saying let it fail and disappear and all the jobs that went with it.

Now the American car industry is back on track and an American car company is now the number one car maker in the world, GM, over Toyota which was number one. And they paid back the stimulus money Obama used to bring them back, with interest.

When Obama took office, gay members of the military had to hide their sexuality under the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy, now they can serve openly, and instead of the right's prediction that the recruiting and morale and capability would diminish, the reverse has been the case.

When Obama took office we were fighting two wars and spending enormous human and financial resources to do it. Now one is ended and the other is being shut down.

I could go on, because there's plenty more. And he accomplished all this in the face of rightwing Republican resistance to all of it. And though I have my criticisms of some of Obama's decisions or what he has allowed to occur under his watch, and agree actually with some Republican nominees for the presidency policy suggestions, like a lot of Ron Paul's on drug laws and on military commitments overseas, or on Buddy Rhomer's ideas about getting corporate and special interest money out of elections and politicians (interesting that the only Republican pushing for that was not included in any debates even though he was a governor and successful business man yet Herman Cain was included in the debates and Donald Trump was considered a serious contender).

But in the end, our president has done a great job with the challenges he faced on taking office, and deserves to have four more years to hopefully correct some of the things he got wrong and finish many of those he got correctly. And any Republican would still take us back to rightwing policies that would return us to the problems Obama has begun to resolve and just make things worse again. This should be obvious to anyone who is intelligent enough to consider the facts employ reason and logic in their thinking about them.

Speaking of which, did you read about the study that showed that those with lower intelligence scores as children grow up to hold more conservative ideas and more prejudices. Other studies have already shown that conservatives also have many more fears than the rest of us. Sometimes that is called for, but not when it's based on prejudice, lies, misinformation, misguided information, misdirection and blind faith in ideology rather than facts.


  1. Thank you for this clarity of truth. I anticipate that you know who will try to refute this with more falsehood and prejudicial hate speak, but more and more people who were previously brainwashed are waking up to the truth you report and the Teapocritical platform is beginning to vaporize like the tinkle in the sun that it is.

  2. The new Google whatever is causing some folks trouble in commenting, so here's one transmitted via email:

    Great post. Shining truth. The time has come to put aside the quibbling and get behind O'B. Just consider the alternatives: death to the old and the poor, while the saurian plutocrats inherit what's left of the Earth.

    (BTW, have you heard Mitt's new plan for "taking care of the very poor"? It's a floating theme park, great weather, all the mod-cons: Guantanamo Palms!)


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  4. not only that (5 million have dropped even looking...

    but most of the new jobs are hires at substantially lower wages and benefit packages....

    the days of those $35-45 per hour PLUS benefits
    of those union jobs are now history...

    these figures are not exactly 100 % "kosher"

    especially that this is election-year .... lies .!

  5. Accusations of lies by an Anonymous pot-shotter are devoid of respectablity.

  6. Anonymous is telling lies to, but I'll let it slip for now because it is true that many of the jobs lost under Bush/Cheney were replaced by lower paying jobs, as has been the case since Reagan/Bush years when unions were busted and the gap between the 99% and 1% began to expand etc.

    But the facts for the latest numbers are that these jobs people are being hired for now are actually in manufacturing and construction and well paying and the best paying jobs are actually not being filled because there aren't enough workers who have the skills.

    So the answer is in better directed education, which is beginning to happen under Obama's policies but was not under Bush Cheney.

    As for the deleted one all he could do was gloat when the unemployment rate went up but now when it's going down all he can do is deny its significance. Same thing he does with climate change. Notice not a peep from rightwing global warming deniers as last week many of us across the Northern part of the country who would under normal climate conditions have been freezing were enjoying summer weather, though nature wasn't, I noticed, as plats keep blossoming and freezing alternatively all this winter long as the temps fluctuate between every season.

    I don't think I've ever used this term on this blog and I don't use it otherwise but only an idiot would deny global warming at this too-late-to-stop-now point in our planet's history.

  7. Michael,

    This chant, this equilibrium, this passage passing through old leaves of grass, tells me dear ol' Walt Whitman is still alive & well & kicking in New Jersey. Many thanks.

    all's well, Bob

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  13. Does Jim think there is even the slightest possibility of being taken seriously by spamming this blog? Like his repeat postings, Jim is all cut-and-paste. There is zero authentic or original thinking in his wind-up babble and every repetition takes his credibility from zero further into the negative realm.

  14. The right isn't interested in being taken seriously, they're interested in doing everything possible to drown out the reason and logic and factual evidence that discredits their positions (though their positions change all the time depending on what their political and media leaders feed them, as for instance what they considered okay under Reagan, like his tax rates, is now anti-business anti-American etc. under Obama). He thinks repeating his lying and misinformation and misdirection and mischaracterizations etc. enough times will make you and I and those who share some of our perspective give up. A tactic that unfortunately sometimes works. But it ain't gonna work here brother.

  15. In fact, it's the opposite. The tide is turning and there is a growing exodus from anti-Obama-ism to the realization that he is working for the betterment of life for all, in the U.S and globally.

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  17. Jim would flunk a rudimentary debate, law, history or any academic class requiring the backing up of one's position with truthful, factual, verifiable data as opposed to forced repititions of hearsay and heresy.

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    from a friend of a friend, worth checking out daily.

  20. Thanks for the link Robert. Very calming and reassuring.


    more toxic/tragic fallout from the complete bastardization/corruption/misinterpretation/misapplication of the second amendment.

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