Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Thanks to my friend Doc Byrnes for hipping me to this past Sunday's column of Maureen Dowd's in the NY Times.


  1. Wow!!! It amazes me that he was trying to impeach President Clinton while having his own affair. No, they really don't have double standards do they?

  2. Loyeen, the right sets the bar for Obama (and most Democrats, especially leaders) about as close to Zeus as possible, and for themselves, several stories beneath the streets of the capital of North Korea! There's always a cynical chuckle for the foul play of Atwater or Rove or Alies or Rush etc. as if it's only a game and why do "liberals" get so upset when it gets rough? Yet nothing but outraged self-righteousness if the "liberals" or reporters of any stripe for that matter even dare accuse them of factual mishaps (ala Gingrich's reaction to a direct question about his second wife's accusations et-endlessly-cetera).

  3. After reading Dowd, Loyeen and Lally's comments, I was reassured that my judgement was correct and voted for Gingrich at my Colorado caucus.

  4. That is perfect - you deserve each other. Doesn't matter, it's only a formality anyway. President Obama will in his second term continue to turn the tide of destruction caused by Bush/Cheney.

  5. Sorry Jim but I do not think your vote helped your candidate. As for President Obama- like I have said before I think he is awesome. Robert- I am with you can't wait for the second term.

  6. So, President Obama gives jurisdiction back to individual states regarding "no child left behind" and the repubes twist it to say, he's not giving states the right, but imposing his vision on the states. what a bunch of whining, combative, unsupportive, bitter, hypocritical babies.
