Saturday, March 31, 2012


As someone who worked for the U.S. Post Office one year delivering excess Christmas holiday mail (and had an ex-cop brother who became our local postmaster, going from officer Lally to "hizzonner") I'm happy to see someone make the case for the U. S. Postal Service. Read it here.


  1. thank you Michael. truth, truth and more truth needed to counter and dispel the greed/fear/ignorance based lies of Jim and the sadly too many (but now diminishing number of)sucker-lemmings caught up in as you call it "the big lie."

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Lal--Imagine Lockheed or Boeing or Martin-Marietta building Stealth bombers or F-13 fighters withOUT fat Defense Dept contracts? But that's what Nixon did to the Post Office Department. Later genii in the White House and Congress emburdened the now re-named Postal Service with a two-tier wage structure, an exit from the Federal Civil Service Retirement system and entry into Social Security, and the obviously bankrupting "pay forward" system of financing postal retiree health insurance. Talk about three strikes! All this adds up to four, and private contractors licking their chops at the prospect of complete privatization of the P.O.
    As a retired Post Office person myself, I'm disgusted at what they've done to a formerly honorable occupation.
    Bob B.

  4. And no mention from the right that the public post office system was specified in The Constitution they
    re always taunting their supposed belief in.

  5. I honor life when possible. My family laughs at me for "relocating" insects around our home. But when a bug is clearly dangerous and toxic, as are Jim's utterances, then there is zero tolerance and they, like Jim's postings, may not stay.


    a bit of news to go along with, among other things, the record high DJIA and other indicators that, despite the massive opposition by the dogmatic, shortsighted right, things are improving and in a way that is more long-run.

  7. And a bit of history, the first known 1080 landed by 12 year old skateboarder Tom Schaar:

  8. Thanks for all the kinks Robert (don't know why they don't come up for me as links you can click on but rather as ones you have to cut and paste. Oh vell.

  9. The certified expert has stated with full certainty that the voice screaming in pain in the background of the 911 call in NOT Zimmerman's. This screaming/pleading directly precedes gunfire, and then silence. Had Zimmerman acted in a professional, responsible manner, he should have announced himself, as in "I'm with Neighborhood Watch and don't recognize you. Please identify yourself." Or something to this effect. Instead, he pursued Trayvon in the dark without self identification that a responsible, professional authority would have done. He instead confronted Trayvon without opportunity for dialog or reasonable information exchange. All the while packing a semi automatic gun in his belt like a thug who gets his guidance from cop shows. Trayvon's death was an execution and was so unecessary.

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    The Second Amendment in action again, resulting in senseless, tragic, totally avoidable murder, as with Trayvon Martin. I met a young Malaysian woman today who told me that in Malaysia, anyone caught with a handgun, loaded or not, used or not, is executed.

  12. Yeah, it's tragic news Robert and our society seems way too immature in too many ways to have so many guns available (more guns than people in the USA is one latest statistic), but I don't like execution as a solution!

  13. Robert,
    Many believe that Obama agrees with Malaysian gun laws. That is why we will fight to save our Constitutional right against Obama and many Democrats.

  14. You have to love it when Obama attacked the Supreme Ct's right to review and possibly declare unconstitutional Obamacare. The 5th Circut today asked the Justice Dept. to clarify whether they believe the court has the right to declare a law unconstitutional. Obama really pissed off many judges.

  15. In Australia too, there are virtually no handguns...and they do not have the strict laws of Malaysia - they just have decency, common sense, virtue and respect for life, which our society/culture largely lacks. The gun is an abberation of God's will and we are hopefully evolving, through all this madness and darkness, to where we don't need it, to where we can talk things out. Jim, you are blind. There is no Constitutional right for random individuals to walk freely into schools, churches, hospitals, shopping centers, etc, and murder people. Malaysia has zero tolerance for this and I for one, do not oppose it. I am certain that research would reveal that there are very few actual executions for gun possession in Malaysia because people know better than to possess these things whose sole purpose is killing.

  16. 2nd Amendment= The right to bear Arms. In places like Cuba, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and China there is no right to bear arms. I prefer the American Constitution and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers which gave birth to the longest surviving Democratic Republic.

  17. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Your ommisve/selective interprestation of the Second Amendment grossly distorts and toxifies its true spirit.

    It was written in a time shortly after the Revolutionary war when "Arms" meant muzzle loading single shot rifles.

    The current situation was not at all in the minds or hearts of the authors of the Amendment.

  18. Robert, It is a wonderful talent to mind read people who have been dead for 200 years plus. Congratulations!

  19. That's what reading is all about. All you have to do is read what they wrote -- in its entirety and not selectively as you do -- to know what they meant and what their intentions are. You should try it some time.
