Okay, most scientists, and all scientists who actually work on climate change issues in the field, i.e. the polar caps etc., are adamant about the reality of global warming. And once again we are having not just records broken exponentially but the record for records being broken when it comes to warming (i.e. over five thousand this year alone just in the U.S. and we're only halfway through March!).
But there are still actually people who don't believe it's happening. Yes there are arguments even among some scientists over how much it is being impacted by man made causes, but even there the vast majority believe the science proves it is related to carbon in the atmosphere and humans are one of the biggest contributing factors in that so etc.
The amazing and bizarre fact is that some of the deniers are running for president!
Now that the economic news just keeps getting better and better, the latest being that the stock exchange numbers are now higher than they were before the Bush/Cheney caused Great Recession, it seems amazing and bizarre as well that there are still deniers trying to paint the economy as not improving or being made worse under Obama when the exact opposite is the case.
And some of them are running for president too!
Regarding the subject of your post: Did you watch the Maddow show tonight. She somehow managed to get Sen. James Inhofe on for an interview. All he did was blather on and not let her talk or ask questions. She tried her best, but that's how these right wing deniers handle anyone confronting them with real facts. They just keep reciting their "facts" in a loud, assertive, non-stop manner believing that everyone will believe what they are saying. Anyway, Inhofe is a true idiot.
ReplyDelete~ Willy
Human rights, workers' rights, equal rights, the right to choose, women's' rights, liberty, justice, voters' rights, integrity, ethical standards, banking practices, Wall Street regulations - the environment? All being denied in the name of some hackneyed evangelical over zealousness that gives the dumbest among us a supposed moral authority to remain short-sighted bigots. To what end? To preserve what and serve who?
ReplyDeleteSomewhere at the top of this capitalistic food chain there are a few old, overweight, chauvinistic, partisan, racist, sexist, dogmatic, homophobic, insolent white guys tending the flocks of what once was democracy ...
Too bad intellect, wisdom, and reason are no longer valued commodities in this country.
That is, if you follow the (s)nooz. But if you walk the streets, you'll find that there are many more than the (s)nooz would have you think that are reasonable, caring and don't buy into the agenda-driven, prejudicial fear mongering and lemming mentality (or better, unmentality) of the Repubes and Teapocrits. p.s. have you noticed that the "Tea Party" isn't getting mentioned as much these days? Also, can we please call the language we speak in this country "American" and not "English"? Unless of course we are still a colony of England?
ReplyDeleteTrue Robert - but the problem remains the same. The 'streets' don't get credible air or propaganda time, appropriate lobbying, or effective legislation because the voice of the people is being filtered through special interests that ultimately control the course of events. Despite the fact that nearly four years ago the majority of the 'street' voted for a Democratic President and 'hope', his agendas have been sandbagged and besmirched by a minority of controlling interests. It's difficult (not impossible) to recognize the effectiveness of good when its being eclipsed by such pervasive, right wing intolerance.
ReplyDeleteMichael, it is common knowledge that since the world was created four thousand years ago there have been many cycles of hot and cold. In fact, as I've noted before, shortly after the dawn of creation my Great Gramma Bubbie's Matzoh Ball soup started out hot, then it got cold, then it was reheated so it got hot again and this cycle went on throughout the course of Passover. Given this irrefutable evidence. how could the octupling of the world's population, massive planetary deforesation, worldwide air/water/land pollution, disregard for the balance of species and many other things like this have anything to do with the changing of our climate and the melting of the polar ice caps and glaciers etc?
ReplyDeleteNow you're makin' sense Robert. As Paul and you and Tom et. al. have pointed out before and many others, facts do not get in the way of the rightwing's version of reality, just ideology.
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ReplyDeleteHappy St Pat's Day my ass. You are a digrace to the Irish. Name one Irishman of note who did not have the courage to debate. Lally, you are a disgrace to your heritage.
ReplyDeleteWow. Talk about the bubble. This poor brainwashed rightwing media parroting creature actually thinks anyone on the left is afraid to debate people like Palin or Rush or the rest, as if we're afraid they'd best us! With what? Certainly not the facts. Whenever anyone brings up facts they, like he, change the subject or just repeat falsehoods over and over like that'll convince us just because it works on them. I called Rush's show for years without getting on because I wanted to refute whatever lies he was propagating at the time. I ran for office and have been an activist all my life and have debated all kinds of people. Why was Buddy Roemer never included in the Republican debates? He has more experience both in the private sector and the public, is a Republican who believes in many of the tenets of the Republican Party, but oh yeah, he thinks big money has too much influence in campaigns and in Congress so interestingly he was never invited to debates that had Cain and Bachmann et. al. Who's afraid to debate whom? How many public debates with nonrestricted audiences has my blog stalker had in his lifetime I wonder. I'd guess I've had somewhere in the low hundreds. Leaving silly little accusations on a blog is not debating. And talk about disgraces to the Irish, what a list that would make and almost all of them Republicans and rightwingers, including you know who.
ReplyDeleteWhen someone takes pot shots and disparages others without showing his face, this speaks clearly about his lack of character whatever his heritage.
ReplyDeleteTo the great dabater Lally; explain Obama's performance on
ReplyDelete- Worst economoic recovery since Depression
- Rising gas prices in the face of Obama's opposition to fossil fuels and tax payer dollars funding of failed green projects like Solyndra
- Failed Afgan policy (The Good War according to Obama) because of at least partially because of the public announcement of the date of US withdrawal
- Failure of constitutional requirment to have (czars subject to congressional approval). In fact replacing the power of cabinet posts in many cases, plus a new definition of recess appointments.
That is a good starter for why this very dangerous president, who should be retired to Chicago where he belongs.
See what I mean? he changes the subject. And of course every point he makes has been addressed in this blog either in posts or in comments reacting to previous accusations by him, but he isn't interested in actual answers, just in belligerent accusations usually unfounded etc. Just two quick ones, for instance, the economy and the Afghan war were in horrible shape when Obama took office. His Afghan policy end date was put in place along with his "surge" and after that the Taliban presence diminished and they had to resort to suicide bombings for the most part because they couldn't actually fight the allied troops without losing even more, and on the economy Obama inherited a situation in which almost all economists were saying we were entering another Great Depression, even many rightwing economists were saying Keynes was correct after all, then when Obama's policies turned the plunge into another Great Depression around the right attacked on other fronts (birth certificate anyone?) and rallied to win the House less than two years into Obama's policies after the actual greatest decline since The Great Depression under Bush/Cheney and the Republicans had the power to completely obstruct any policy that would work because as their leaders (Rush. McConnel et.al.) stated the day Obama was elected their top goal was to make sure he failed. What is amazing about Obama, a man some of whose policy decisions I have criticisms of, is that he's been able to sustain the recovery DESPITE THE RIGHTWING REPUBLICAN OBSTRUCTIONISM.
ReplyDeleteThe racist bumper sticker that's been reported shows the true colors of the repubes and teapocrits.they assasinated Lincoln for emancipating slaves and a century and a half on, the hate (and ignorance) still lingers.
ReplyDeleteObama and the Democrats had complete control of congress and the presidency for 2 full years. They passed 100% of their agenda including Obamacare, Dodd Frank, obstruction of drilling on public lands, increased regulation the hinders a business recover and green crony capitalism funding of Solynda and other companies. The result has been 2 to 2.5% GDP growth. Reagan's GDP growth hit 7% at about the same time, following the Carter years. Gas prices are through the roof. Afghan policy is in shambles. Israeli relations are at an all time low. A mid east war is almost inevitable because of the perceived weakness and fecklessness of Obama.
ReplyDeletePS At least the great debater did not hit the delete button this time. Maybe there is hope for him.
I am going to start deleting him again because it's just the same old malarkey over and over and there's no desire to have a real debate. Notice how he again changed the subject and then lied and misinformed in his next series of accusations. Obama and the Democrats didn't even come close to fulfilling fifty percent of their agenda let alone a hundred. They were blocked in the Senate by an arcane rule that allowed a slight minority of Republican Senators to block most of the Democrats policy proposals so that they either passed watered down compromises or didn't pass them at all or didn't even try to pass them because the Repubs made it clear they would block it etc. etc. If Obama and the Democrats actually controlled both houses of Congress (and by the way they certainly didn't and don't control The Supreme Court) why did most of their nominees for judgeships and government jobs etc. get successfully blocked by the Republican Senators? And the whole oil biz jive is such outright luing. As I and others have pointed out over and over again there is more domestic oil production in the USA under Obama than there was under Bush Junior and we now produce more domestic oil than we import, while the opposite was true under Bush Junior, so not only is that an outright lie it is a blatant attempt at THE BIG LIE technique the Nazis first named and used in the modern world and the Republicans have made clear in their own emails and policy directives is a part of their strategy and has been for many decades now. As for "crony capitalism" how in the world do these rightwingers even have the balls to suggest such a phrase in connection with anyone after eight years of the most blatant crony capitalism our country has ever experienced under Bush/Cheney and the rule of corporate oil (and foreign oil in which the Bushes have had an enormous stake going back generations and the Cheneys have going back half a century! Anyway, it's all just blah blah blah, so this is once again the end of any sicussion with the stalker.
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