Thursday, March 8, 2012


"For a species that has been around for less than 1% of 1% of the earth's 4.5 billion-year history, Homo sapiens has certainly put its stamp on the place."

"But it wasn't until the dawn of the Industrial Revolution around 1800 that human growth and its impact on the environment began to explode [...] Since then our ranks have ballooned from 1 billion to 7 billion, a rate of reproduction that biologist E. O. Wilson has characterized as 'more bacterial than primate.'" —Bryan Walsh "Nature Is Over" in TIME March 12, 2012


  1. C'mon Michael, don't you know that the world was created four thousand years ago? Right around the time my grandma made her first pot of Motzah Ball soup and just before I got my first pair of dungarees.


    More tragic fallout from the bastardization of the second amendment.

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  4. y'all don't seem to be talking about anything important.

    a "4.5 billion-year history" " ? that's really relevant !

  5. It's amazing how Jim continues to re-prove time and again his complete ignorance and stupidity. "Subvert the second Amendment"? Give me a break...the second amendment is so "subverted" and otherwise misinterpreted and abused that it's a nightmare. Just look at the many instances of gun mayhem and murder I have cited in recent times, school murders, hospital murders. It's too damn easy for anyone to get guns in this country and there is not strong enough education and spiritual foundation for people to responsibly handle guns. The second amendment calls for single shot loaded muskets and a "well regulated militia." Get real for once in your life.

  6. and "Anonymouse" please, enlighten us as to what is important and relevant, rather that simply taking potshots without identifying yourself.

  7. Today's news featured a report that rightwing hate groups have increased over seven hundred percent since Obama's election. And it's been reported that threats to our president have equally grown exponentially. This is directly the result of hate speech from the rightwing that has from Obama's inauguration tried to paint him as illegitimate and worthy of scorn and hatred and contempt and even elimination. I grew up around guns with cops in my house and next door at my cousin's and at my sister's house etc. etc. etc. They are not to be taken lightly. has anyone seen the story on the policeman whose son was murdered by one of the rightwing militia groups? The worst terrorist action in this country before 9/11 was carried about by a rightwinger inflamed by rightwing propaganda and lies to disdain his democratically elected government. Most experienced police know that recently hate activity has increased even more so as many on the right anticipate a win for Obama in November. It's got nothing to do with the Second Amendment and everything to do with hatred for anyone whose ideology doesn't toe the rightwing line.

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  9. You do not uphold the fight for the founding documents, you uphold some twisted hurtful interpretation based on who knows what, but certainly not based in reality nor on goodness or so called Christian principles.

  10. Gloria Allred has demonstrated liberals idea of free speech. Arrest Rush for his speech!! As most liberals, Gloria believes the 1st Amendment means; "Free speech for me but not for thee."

  11. Gloria wants to bring a defamation suit against Rush, which is fully legitimate and warranted and which any of the subjects of Bill Maher's diatribes can do as well. Once again you distort the truth, which weakens your position.

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  14. So when a husband gives his wife household money and takes her shopping and then that night they get it on, is she a prostitute? By your definition she is.

  15. Politico via Drudge is the source.

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  18. JIm said...
    Obama owns 8.3% unemployment and a real unemployment rate of 15%, counting the the 5 mil fewer employess since Obama took over. The "recovery" is the worst since the 30s. Only an idiot would count Obama's ecomonomic policies as effective, unless that idiot wanted America to become a coummunist country.

    March 11, 2012 8:43:00 PM EDT
