Saturday, April 7, 2012


My blog is set up so whenever anyone leaves a comment it comes to my email. Lately, like yesterday, I'll get a comment that's been left on the blog in my email but it never shows up on the blog. And folks have complained to me about it but I have no idea why that happens. I just read about a second virus that's effecting some Macs (I had one hit me last year and no one believed me, but the guy at Apple did because he knew it was happening to a lot of Mac users). Maybe it has something to do with that newer virus since they said it started by invading Google, which is where my blog is, on Google. Hmmmmm....


  1. Very simple young Jedi:

    Blogger has recently installed a spam blocker of their own. Go to your dashboard and you should see this message:

    "New! We have enabled automatic spam detection for comments. You should occasionally check the comments in your spam inbox. Learn more about Blogger's spam detection or report issues."

    Here's how to handle it:

    On your Blogger dashboard you should see a row of buttons: New Post; Edit Posts; Comments; Settings; Design; Monetize; Stats. Chose "Comments." Once you are on the Comments screen you will see two sub-choices right below the line of tabs at the top: "Published" and "Spam." Click on the "Spam" choice and you will see all of the comments that have gone into the spam box. Note that each has a check box, which you can activate and then either delete, or tell Blogger it is not spam. When you choose "Not Spam" it will add comment to the published comments and make note that any further comments from that sender will not go to spam.

    Lemme know whether this takes care of your problem.

    In your service,

    ~ Willy

  2. Thanks Willy, I did what you said as best I could and a few have been restored. I will continue to check that dealio.

  3. I've been having the same problem.

    And now, thanks to Alameda Tom, the comments are back where they belong.

    but now I'm worried about the "New Look" that Blogger says is coming in April.

  4. Yeah Kevin, I don't look forward to any changes once I get the present system(s) finally down. But thus is life and even more so computer and internet technology and formatting. I say HOLD STILL! at least for a while.

  5. But unfortunately "they" ain't gonna Bill.
