Saturday, May 5, 2012


So, when oil prices were rising, the rightwingers (like the one who stalks this blog) blamed it on Obama and kept pointing it out, but once they started falling not a beep about that.

When all the jobs were lost and the unemployment rate started skyrocketing under Bush/Cheney, nothing. The day Obama took office they were already blaming the bad economy on him. But once the unemployment rate started dropping and two and a half million jobs were created, they continued to blame the fact that it was still higher than under Clinton (!, yes, that's what Mitt pointed out recently) and never mention that Obama has been adding jobs to the economy for years but because of the Republican rightwing's insistence that the problem is deficits, and thanks to mostly Republican governors et. al. with every ten jobs the economy creates in the private sector, the public sector (government jobs, from teachers and firemen to cops and park rangers etc.) loses several.

If the Bush/Cheney tactics had been continued, we'd be in the deepest Depression in history. And Romney would return us to those approaches. As he did in Massachusetts where I write this from now:


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  2. Zitt Zombie and Flim Jim are a danger to everything good in this country and world. Their ignorant and hateful ideas undermine and promise the destruction of everything they claim to want, but their heads are too far up their own arses to see this, and their spines are too flimsy to admit this.

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  4. 2.2% GDP growth plus the smallest number of Americans working since 1981 is what Obamanomics has wrought. Hail to the Chief!!

  5. uh, er, I believe it was Bush Cheney that turned the largest surplus in history into the largest deficit in history, ignored intelligence that led to the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil in history, then promptly escorted the family of the head terrorist out of the country to safety, then started two "wars" so that crony vendors could fatten their bank accounts on our tax dollars, whereas President Obama, who stepped into this avalanche, has successfully and significantly reversed it, eliminated the head terrorist that Bush Cheney could not, ended one of the "wars" that the People didn't want to begin with and has implemented a medical system in our country that will even take care of you when your bank accounts run dry and you are severly ill and in need of attention.

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  7. As I've said many times, go back over the comments on this blog when Bush was spending us into the biggest debt in history and creating the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression (not to mention all the other calamities Buch/Cheney created) and not a peep from the rightwinger who stalks this blog, nor from his fellow rightwingers in Congress and the media, not, that is, until it was way too and the damage was done. Obama has reversed almost every wrong direction Bush/Cheney had us going in, and even where he has continued their policies as in some "nationals security" (esp. "Patriot Act" instances) there are even elements there where he has changed things for the better, though not entirely and not every aspect. So the main problem with Obama is still the Bush/Cheney legacy.

  8. It is comforting to see Romney beginning to beat Obama in the polls. He is ahead in Rasmussen, Gallop and Battleground, which are some of the more reliable. It is somewhat surprising for it to be happening so soon after a bruising primary season.

  9. If Romney becomes President he won't be the Tea Party righty that you want. Long time until the election anyway. So, I see the Senate Republicans blocked the extension of the low interest loans because they didn't like the Democrats method of paying for it by closing a tax loophole for business owners. They would rather pay for it by taking money from preventive health care. Lets see - who do the Republicans want to hurt - oh, that's right - the poor and middle class. Why prevent when you can just let them wait until it is too late and then cost the system millions that those of us with insurance have to pay for. Oh, the ones who don't have preventive health care can just die - like some said at one of the Republican debates. You whine and moan about energy policy
    while 3 of the top ten profit makers were oil companies. They don't seem to be hurting at all. Oh, and don't forget those subsidies. Robert and Michael, you have said much better than I can. But I see the poverty everyday. I see people working two jobs and still are under the poverty line. Enough - the self centeredness and immoral beliefs of the conservatives makes me ill.

  10. Tom you say it with pinpoint axxuracy--self centeredness and immoral beliefs (and behavior). These Teapocrits are not patriots, they in fact are traitors to what our nation was and is meant to be about. They whine like bitches about things but don't hesitate to benenfit from the "big overintrusive government" they complain about.

  11. Woops, typo on "accuracy" - big thumbs on tiny keypad and blurry old eyes...

  12. Robert, you know how much I love and admire you and your work. And anyone who knows me and my work knows that I have resorted to the kind of language I grew up around (in the street not at home) in my work for realism, but I'm trying to keep the profanity to a minimum on the blog just because there are younger relatives that can access it. Thanks. (Plus, I assume technically you meant female dogs, but still...)

  13. Point taken Michael--my apologies to you and your readers. I meant it euphemistically as in "complainers".


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