Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Corporation That Paid Nothing In Taxes For Four Years Tells Congress It Pays Too Much In Taxes"

Read about it here (though the headline says it all).


  1. The us corp rate is 35% + state and
    Obamacare which could put it at 44%. Canada is at 18%. No wonder Canadians are richer we are.

  2. Jim if you do move to Canada will you still post annoying stuff on this blog?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I forgot to delete the original comment on this post even though it is based on lies. I guess I figured anyone who read the article the post links to would see that the stalker's claims were facetious given the realities of corporate tax policies ion the USA. That's the whole point of the article (and the headline). When you take actual corporate taxes paid by US corporations, not the rate, the US comes out way lower than most countries. It's like we have built into the system now a corrupt process where corporations and their rightwing media puppets (and parrot followers like the stalker) pretend to be upset about the "high corporate tax rate" while using the corporate controlled tax system to avoid paying almost any taxes at all. But the stalker never responds to the actual posts or links posted to, but rather to ket words that he has been trained by his rightwing media masters to react to with parroted rightwing propaganda based on lies.

  5. Obviously I meant "key" words not "ket" words.
