The rightwing media just ignores facts that contradict its positions on "the truth." The leftwing media does get more facts correct but at times misinterprets or over generalizes (I'm guilty of this meself sometimes) based on them. But still there's more factual evidence given to support say Rachel Maddow's perspective on the news than anything on the rightwing media.
Anyway, I was watching the fiasco about Bain Capital and Romney's role in it during 1999, 2000, 2001 etc. unfold and was struck by how the mainstream media kept fudging the truth, pretending that the Romney camp's position was in any way factually supported. I think NBC news actually said something in its news promo to the effect of "What are we to make of conflicting claims" etc.
They actually portrayed Obama and his representatives as somehow possibly going too far by suggesting Romney had a role in moving jobs overseas during his reign as CEO of Bain! And no one in the mainstream media I watched (and I like to surf the news to see what all the major network and cable outlets are saying) called Romney on his lies!
The facts are pretty simple. Romney signed legal documents stating that he was the CEO of Bain Capital during the years when Bain cut a lot of jobs in the U.S. and moved them overseas. But he claims he had retired from Bain to run the Olympics during those years. So either he's lying now about running Bain at that time, or he was lying at the time in the legal papers he signed saying he WAS running Bain at that time.
That was easy. And not mystifying a bit. Romney is lying now, or was lying then, with the legal documents supporting the fact that he's lying now otherwise there was no reason for him to list himself as CEO at a time he now says he wasn't.
It's absurd, actually worse, it's criminal and should be prosecuted, that the media can dither about Obama's birth certificate for years when all the facts, legal documents and public records etc., made it clear he was born in Hawaii. And now they can dither about whether Romney's lying when all the facts, legal documents and public records, make clear he is.
Perfect & concise. It's maddening. Romney has clearly committed an obvious felony, but, of course, nothing will come of this. All these people, including the alleged liberals,are part of the same establishment.
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ReplyDeleteJim you are clearly insane man! Move to one of the countries Romney outsourcs jobs to if you actually think he has or can fix anything.
ReplyDeleteObama moves in a circle of sleeze. Convicted felon Rezko enabled Obama to buy his home at $300m under the market while he was a state senator. Corzine, a man who stole millions from clients, raised millions for Obama. Bill Ayers who gave Obama a start and most likely ghost wrote his biography is a terrorist. Wright is a racist and an America hater. It is time to go after Obama personally. MSM and McCain did not do it last time.
ReplyDeleteThe only America hater here is Jim,who with each blasphemous, lying utterance further proves his complete insanity.
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ReplyDeleteIronically, and with poetic justice, Jim's straightjacket as well as the padding in his cell are made in China in a factory owned by Romney for which Romney pays no tax.
ReplyDeleteRobert, I'm leaving the stalker's comment because it shows what the right always does when it feels its losing, personal attacks. They cannot refute the facts that Obama and his campaign are using against Romney so they muster half truths, misdirection, misinformation and outright lies to personally attack Obama. It's a sign of their fear. And as every study of the rightwing mind and personality has shown, they are driven by all kinds of fear and are afraid of so much more than the rest of us. The irony is they are mainly frightened by illusions and not frightened by actual facts (which they are taught to ignore). So here we have the stalker who lives near the fire zone that created the worst fires this year (in Colorado) which were caused by "ghost forests"—i.e. trees hollowed out by a species of bugs that flourish in warmer climates and didn't used to exist in Colorado but now do as heat zones move further North each year—and by drought and high winds and generally exceptional weather that is caused, as most actual weather scientists have made clear, by global warming, and yet the stalker, who I assume has witnessed these things personally, continues to deny the reality of global warming and its impact on our world! I hear this from the ranchers and farmers losing their cattle and crops to the results of global warming who attribute it to "mother nature" or "God" while ignoring the unprecedented weather which has been predicted for at least a decade by mainstream scientists and by the weather experts for much longer. There is no way we can reason with someone who cannot even believe the evidence of their own experience, let alone that presented by the experts. The control that rightwing media manipulators have over the minds of hapless folk like our stalker is impressive. They cannot see even the smallest bit of reality with their own reason and intellect and experience, but must always filter it through the rightwing propaganda machine before disavowing their own experience and intelligence, and surrendering to the lies propagated by their media masters for them. Mind control at its most basic.
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ReplyDeleteJim is still the little baby who wails, spills food, poops in his diapers, lies, does whatever it takes to get attention regardless of the consequences to others.
ReplyDeleteRomney is dishonest, low class, ill-intentioned, devoid of character,devoid of care about this country or its people. He is a thief and belongs in jail and nowhere near public office.
ReplyDeleteRomney is lower than low, worse than a street thug con-artist. I wouldn't turn my back on him for a second alone with my child or anyone I cared about, let alone the proverbial red button. He is an outright liar, liar liar thief thief thief, coward coward coward!!!
ReplyDeleteObama spent 100mil on Bain attacks and the polls are moving in romney's direction.
ReplyDeleteShows how stupid Americans are because bad greedy rich people spend more on guns than education so that gullible morons get sucked into Romney's bold faced lies. Romney will do whatever it takes to get into the White House and has no intention and no game plan, just lies worse than the lowest street huckster. Just look at how he completely mangled and distorted what our President said and idiots cheered his totally blatant, obvious disgusting lies.
ReplyDeleteObama's plate is so full with 100 rounds of golf since he began his term, 100 plus fund raisers in the last six months that the poor overworked man does not have time to meet with his jobs group. I think he will have plenty of time to work on his game next year.
ReplyDeleteyou're pathetic.
ReplyDeleteOh, Jim, Jobs - if they are so important why did Senate Republicans block the Jobs Bill? I guess they'd rather see tax breaks go to companies that outsource jobs, rather than tax breaks for companies who bring jobs back to the US.
ReplyDeleteYou guys shouldn't take the bait, He's not interested in a discussion or even an argument. He's just interested in promoting his rightwing media masters attack-of-the-day on our president. Can you imagine judging any president for anything after Bush/Cheney? That president took more vacation time than any in our history! Tsk tsk tsk, what a silly little frightened man is our stalker.
ReplyDeleteJim, I'm sorry for all of Colorado. Please use your influence there to drastically limit and even eliminate the availability of guns. If James Holmes was not able to acquire the weapon he used, then 12 dead people would still be alive and 50 injured people would not be injured right now in a movie theater.
ReplyDeleteOur twins, James and Shannon were at a Batman marathon last night. Fortunately they were 20 mile away from Aurora. Colorado has had more than our share of group shootings. If some of the teachers at Columbine and Deer Creek had had concealed carry, maybe there would have been a better outcome. There was an attempted mass shooting at a Colorado Springs church 4 or 5 years ago. One of the lady church goes was packing. The shooter was killed and I believe there were no other fatalities. If that lady gun owner was at the Aurora theater there may have been a better outcome.
How absurd. The gunman was wearing armored protective gear. Anyone "packing" would have to have had armor piercing weapons. So according to the rightwing senseless defense of all weaponry, instead of limiting access to guns people should be able to increase their firepower to face the possible threats from gunmen who are armored and are carrying assault weapons, which means theatergoers should have been carrying heir own assault weapons and wearing armor and then the next gunmen might have rocket propelled grenades so theatergoers could come to see a movie in their own tanks! Et-endlessly-cetera.
ReplyDeleteJim, that's like treating cancer with more cancer. How about having a more civilized, gun free culture, and less or no violence in the media that pervades our consciousness? "The Dark Knight Rises" is laden with images of murder, as are the majority of films, tv shows, comics, video games and more, are based on killing. THIS MUST CHANGE. There is ZERO JUSTIFICATION FOR GUN AVAILABLILITY AND ZERO TOLERANCE FOR YOUR WRONG THINKING. Thankfully your children were away from there, but it could just as easily have been where they were.