Friday, August 31, 2012


Clint Eastwood's imitation of an aging drunken stand-up comedian was pretty accurate. But he gave the lie to rightwing Republicans pretending, or trying to convince themselves, let alone the rest of us, that they don't have any prejudice or disrespect or disdain or contempt for our president. Implying that our too courteous and considerate president tells his opponents to go f@#k themselves, when the only time that has been recorded in our history it came from Dick Cheney's mouth because a Democrat stood up to his bullying is disingenuous to say the least.

The onslaught of lies continued on this last night of the Republican convention epitomized by Eastwood's sometimes incoherent act and Romney's coherent but lying act. The easiest way to demonstrate what the Republicans are doing, and might pull off because so many people fall prey to Carl Rove's version of the old Nazi "big lie" technique is to quote Juan Cole's list of the top ten lies in Paul Ryan's speech:

  1. "Ryan blamed the US credit rating downgrade on President Obama. But it was caused by the Republican Congress's threat not to raise the debt ceiling. That is, the fault for the credit rating downgrade from AAA to AA belongs with... Paul Ryan.

  2. Ryan continues to claim that President Obama said business owners did not build their own businesses. Obama said that business owners benefit from government infrastructure and programs, which they did not build. No small business owner has built an inter-state highway or bridge, but those are the means whereby their goods get to market. Ryan's (and the GOP's) talking point in this regard is a typical Karl Rove Big Lie, and among an informed electorate it ought to discredit them.

  3. Ryan depicted Obamacare as virtually a turn to Soviet-style totalitarianism, as incompatible with liberal freedoms for the individual. But the logical conclusion is that Ryan's running mate, Mitt Romney, turned Massachusetts into a Gulag.

  4. Ryan slammed President Obama for not implementing the deficit-cutting measures recommended by the Simpson-Bowles commission. But he himself voted against Simpson-Bowles.

  5. Ryan keeps attacking Prsident Obama's stimulus program now. But in 2002 when then President George W. Bush proposed stimulus spending, Ryan supported it. "What we're trying to accomplish today with the passage of this third stimulus package is to create jobs and help the unemployed," Ryan told MSNBC in 2002. Ryan says that the stimulus had not positive effects, while economists say it saved or created millions of jobs and pulled the US out of a near-Depression.

  6. Even more embarrassing, in 2010, Ryan asked for $20 million in stimulus money from Obama for companies in his district, then repeatedly denied requesting stimulus funds. He finally admitted he had done so, but continues to slam the stimulus program as a failure (even though the economy pulled out of a Depression as a result of it).

  7. Ryan slammed President Obama for the closure of an auto plant that closed in late 2008 under George W. Bush. Ryan's running mate, Mitt Romney, opposed Obama's actual auto bailout, which was a great success and returned Detroit to profitability.

  8. Paul Ryan charges that Barack Obama has 'stolen' $700 billion from medicare for his Obamacare. In fact, these expense reductions do not cut Medicare benefits, and, moreover,Romney and Ryan supported these reductions! The difference is that they would give the savings to the affluent, whereas Obama uses them to cover the presently uninsured.

  9. Ryan continues to push his longstanding plans for a steal-from-the-elderly-and-give-to-the-rich medicare plan, which President Obama warned would cost ordinary recipients over $6000 a year extra. Politifact checked and rated Obama's charge as correct, though they noted that the figures referred to CBO analyses of Ryan's last plan, not his 'new' one, which hasn't been subjected to similar analysis. Ryan certainly recently put forward a plan that would cost ordinary people that much extra.

  10. Ryan neglected to note that under the tax plan he favors, Gov. Mitt Romney would pay less than 1% in annual federal taxes, highlighting Romney's already low rate compared to ordinary Americans (slightly lower than Ryan's own!) and putting the spotlight back where Ryan's appointment was supposed to misdirect it."




  2. Robert, Did you also catch the two incidences from Texas where concealed carry citizens stopped a robbery by killing one of the robbers and in another stopping a stabbing assault and holding the perp until the police came?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. This isn't a cowboy movie. You don't fix the problem with a bandaid, you have to work on and hopefully remedy the cause of things. This comes with educated, spiritually elevated people who are not hungry and worried about where they're going to live tomorrow.

  5. OLD BRIDGE, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey supermarket employee opened fire at the closed store early Friday as a dozen or more colleagues worked inside, killing two co-workers and himself, a prosecutor said.

    The 23-year-old man left a Pathmark in Old Bridge Township around 3:30 a.m. and returned a half-hour later with a handgun and an AK-47 assault rifle, Middlesex County Prosecutor Bruce Kaplan said.

    There were 12 to 14 people in the store at the time, Kaplan said. The man fired the rifle at the first workers he saw, killing an 18-year-old woman and a 24-year-old man as other workers hid, he said. At least 16 rounds were fired, some breaking the front windows.

    He then killed himself, said Kaplan, who did not release the name of the gunman or the victims. The motive is under investigation.

    IS THIS YOUR "WELL REGULATED MILITA". This has absolutely zero connection with the founding documents as you call them particularly with the Second Amendment. GET REAL.

  6. Robert,
    I suspect the shooter was not a citizen with a concearled carry license, which ususally requires extensive background check and training. Maybe a concealed carry citizen could have stopped it.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. you are delusional. Yeah, maybe the 18 year old girl going to work. You are treasonous and are not an American.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. this coming election is neither about Obama or
    about Romney...

    it s about Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton.

    he's the last to really get things done and with a Republican congress..

    of course he had lots of help from Tip O'Neil and Ted Kennedy....

    Bill Clinton will get the necessary electoral college votes that the Dems need.

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  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. bottom line?

    religion and politics are bologna..

    I sure wish someone would tell us what the fuck is gong on !

  14. Anonymous,
    Politics is necessary. It sure beats shooting each other. There is value in many religions. Romney through his good works proves that his religion has inspire him to do good for his fellow man.

  15. Opinions are optional buy lies will continue to be deleted. There's enough of them out there already (the majority from rightwing propaganda and its parroting followers, ala this blog's stalker).

  16. Of course I meant "but" but "buy" actually works.
