Sunday, September 2, 2012


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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Give us a break. tell it to the child molestors and the missionaries whose children are light eyed and dark skinned and whose wives are more like sisters to their children. You should try something that you've never done - it's called thinking. And stop being such a spineless coward and show your face.

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  4. And yet you would deprive and deny these children a decent quality of life, as the Sister said. The only true lowlife in this room is the hypocrit in your mirror.

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  6. you are a hopeless, hateful, ignorant sad sack. I'm signing can stew in your own bile.

  7. Jeez I go away from the computer for a day and the forces of evil run rampant. Glad you finally gave up arguing with him Robert. But really. The good sister said it best. As for the lies about "liberals" and our president and especially the total distortion of what the good sister said is too repugnant for me to allow to stand so it will all be deleted and your responses will have to stand alone.

  8. Thank you Michael. I had written a response in which I used a variation on the word "ignoramus," replacing the "m" with "n", but out of respect for your desire To be expletive free, I self deleted, something I wish Jim - he who lacks the integrity and courage to show his face behind his verbal excretions (I'd say "mental" excretions, but "mental" implies having a mind) - would do.

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  10. I've avoided calling the stalker of this blog "stupid" for years, but how stupid is it to accuse the nun above and me and Robert and others of wanting to "kill born alive babies" on the basis of what's in that poster?!

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  12. I'll go "real slow" for the stalker, as he said his last comment would go for me and my fellow liberals, and then he went on to talk about supporting a bill that would allow abortions at a point when the fetus could be kept alive (through extraordinary measures most of the time). Does anyone else but him see anything in that poster that is about the nun supporting abortions of viable fetuses? This is such a perfect example of what the right does. Straw dog arguments.

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  14. I saw this on FB and thought - yes - at least the Sister's haven't forgotten. I know a nun who told a pro-life group this same thing and was called a heretic for it. o
