Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Anyone else see more than coincidence in that anti-Muslim "film" causing "anti-American" demonstrations in Egypt and Libya and possibly elsewhere in the Mideast happening just before the election?

I believe in coincidence but I also believe in deliberate manipulation of the media to create a problem for a candidate, especially in presidential politics (as in the Iran hostage problem for Carter that was somehow miraculously solved the day Reagan took office etc.).

Obama is one of the few Democrats since before Johnsons' fiasco in Viet Nam, who has had a foreign policy success rate Republicans can't really criticize (though that doesn't stop them of course, by basing their criticism on lies rather than facts). Romney has proven himself totally inept at foreign policy and diplomacy. So it wouldn't surprise me if rightwing propagandists are connected to the making of and release of the video that is causing the demonstrations etc.

[PS: Just in the few minutes since I posted this, some Internet commenters suggest a tie between Israeli rightwing propagandists and the video with the same aim as I suggested above, to discredit our president because of his refusal to give in to the rightwing Netanyahu's insistence we basically declare we'll be going to war against Iran whenever he says we should, etc.]

[I also wrote this before I listened to the news and heard our Ambassador to Libya was killed along with three "security personnel" and what I'm now wondering is why we're outsourcing and privatizing the protection of our embassies and ambassadors instead of using our military like we used to? Especially since we have military all over the world anyway. Would a contingent of marines large enough to deal with what can be expected in whatever country in terms of governance and radicalism have been able to hold off the attackers? My guess is definitely.]


  1. It's shameful. Just like the "Orange terror alert" at the start of the 2004 RNC, which we found out was based on "intelligence" that was four years old at the time. There is no honor, no integrity among these sinners and criminals and if there it s hell, they will all burn in it when their reckoning comes.

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  5. One need go no further than Romnoid's tax evasion than to know that not only does he lack character, honesty and good intention, but that also he is a breaker of the law.

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  7. Robert, which breaking of the law are you referring to?

  8. tax evasion. it's my conclusion drawn from the evidence at hand and I'm willing to bet if it was followed through, I'd be right. But as I said before, I love being proven wrong.

  9. What is the evidence at hand and who provided it?

  10. refusal to disclose to the American people he claims to want to serve.

  11. That is not evidence that is Robert bullshit.

  12. It is pure 100 percent evidence.the stuff between your ears is the only

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  14. The fact is Mitt Romney refused to divulge his taxes, as is standard procedure for candidtates seeking the public trust. Obviously, he has something to hide otherwise, he'd be forthcoming. Big red flag.
