Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I keep seeing online, especially on Facebook, quotes from famous people, often authors, with no attribution for the source and sounding totally unlike the language those authors or other well known personalities would ever use. Most people know this is an Internet reality, but it still bugs me.  So here's a quote I copied from the author. I've used it before but it's worth repeating:

"Swami said that enlightenment is not loss of individuality but the enlargement of individuality, because you realize that you're everything."   —Christopher Isherwood (from My Guru and His Disciple)


  1. Thank you for that. I agree with you- stating the source is very important . Here's one worth repeating too. "The essence of all spiritual life is your emotion, your attitude toward others. Once you have pure and sincere motivation, all the rest follows. You can develop this right attitude toward others on the basis of kindness, love, and respect, and on the clear realization of the oneness of all human beings." -Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama (from The Path to Tranquility Daily Wisdom, compiled and edited by Renika Singh) PS- A Single Man, the movie based on Christopher Isherwood's novel, with Colin Firth & Julianne Moore was beautifully done if you haven't seen it yet...

  2. Nice Jen, and yeah I did see it (reviewed in on this blog) and read the book and knew Christopher as a friend. I am a lucky guy.
