Thursday, January 3, 2013


The housing market is improving more rapidly than expected, the auto industry has had the best year in many years and the number of jobs cut last year was the least since 1997.

Anyone hear any Republicans or Tea Partyers or rightwingers or even most progressives and lifting [wow, that was really a weird typo my brain did, I have to leave it in, but I meant "leftwing"] critics of the president give him, or Dems in Congess any credit for any of that?  I didn't think so.


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  2. housing start were at a 50 year low in 2008
    and today's starts (2012) are not much above that 550,000 units level...
    as for unemployment not very many "jobs" were added last month and
    thanks to those who stopped looking for work the unemployment rate Officially stayed the same.

    as for the auto Industry ? they put out their own figures
    to make people want to "get on the band-wagon"
    and buy ON CREDIT

    this really isn't about criticizing the president OR the Dems in Congress...

    it's about the New Reality that we don't want to admit is here

    the solution ? cut the Military/War budget 50 %
    and put some money into producing some decent food that folks can afford.... that (decent food) would solve
    82 % of our Health Problems

  3. Not true about jobs, or housing, or the auto makers according to all the stats I read this morning from media and government and critics of both who were predicting the economy would be ravished by fear of the fiscal cliff last month and instead job growth was better than expected ACROSS THE BOARD, which means in every sector! Cynicism only feeds inaction and indifference from those who know no better. get your facts stright or tay off this blog please.

  4. yeah keep depending on the Media
    and our honest politicians for your facts

    add emotions to that and pass it on or sell it like it's
    truth.... like Hollywood does

  5. Ok last response to someone who hides behind "Anonymous." This is a fact, less jobs were cut by businesses big and small last year than since 1997. That means if you had a job you were more likely to keep it last year than anytime since 1997. I have a lifetime of reading between the lines, working in the trenches (of activism and politics, among other areas), collecting firsthand knowledge and factual evidence etc. etc. etc. I am not basing my responses or posts on any one biased version of arguable reality from any one news source, I read both right and left wing sources as well as those I find more centrist, and I read actual statistics from various nonpartisan sources, etc. etc. etc. etc. Your charge of "depending on the Media" is prima facie evidence of exactly what I object to in your comments. Do you actually think something called "The Media" exists as a monolith with one set of phony "facts" or that there is no such thing as an "honest politician" but you somehow represent some sort of "honesty" because you debunk sources you know nothing about and refute facts because they don't fit your polemic? No more lying Anonymous or you will be deleted as the stalker has been.

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