Saturday, February 9, 2013


I haven't heard anyone say it, but I'm sure someone already has. Just in case, I'll say it anyway.

The man from the NRA said, All you need to stop a bad guy with a gun was a good guy with a gun. But I guess he meant as long as the good guys with the guns aren't L.A. police officers who mistake a van with two ladies in it, one of them pretty old, for the bad guy's van, the bad guy being an ex-good guy with a gun L.A. police officer himself, and the good guys open fire without a warning or anyone firing back at them and shoot the van up and the two ladies in it.

So I guess what the man from the NRA shoulda said was, All you need to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun as long as two nice ladies in a van don't get in the way by driving anything resembling what the bad guy's driving.


  1. You have definitely shot a big hole in their stupid argument.

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  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. It's nice of you to allow Jim to comment before deleting him. As if to give him the chance to say something meaningful, thoughtful and positive. If it were me, I'd block him completely, given his long track record of pure asininity and completely counterproductive spluge. Why waste more of our precious seconds of life and of our attention?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
