Sunday, March 31, 2013


I was just out with my oldest son who is visiting for Easter and we saw a young African American boy with his father both dressed up for Easter Sunday, the boy in a stylish suit and white fedora, looking like a miniature man from my boyhood. It evoked memories of my first man style suit and fedora around what I would guess was the same age, eleven or twelve, and how everyone in my huge clan would dress up in brand new clothes bought especially for Easter morning Mass.

My son and I don't go to Mass anymore, but when we got back to my apartment I checked my emails and found this post and thought how I wish every Catholic on Fox News and in The Republican Party including among my own now even larger clan, which our forefathers would be shocked at, and across this country and the world could read and understand its message.

[PS: and also all those who reacted to the new Pope's election with diatribes against him based on misinformation or only one aspect of his personal history.]


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  5. Thanks for posting the link. It was a good post about that small group of Catholics who forget the sermon on the mount.
