Friday, March 8, 2013


At 8AM this morning I was shoveling snow in a winter wonderland. The snow was wet and heavy and thick and still coming down in big clumps covering the trees so completely and steeply that it seemed like the landscape had thousands of dimensions not just three, and all white.

It was beautiful. And then to a challenging meeting about challenging issues and me without my glasses for the first time in a few decades, even before my left eye gets the cataract removed. I need my glasses for reading and the computer but I can see the TV fine without them and more sharply than ever already. I can't imagine how it will look after the left eye's done later this month.

And then to the tax man and more challenging realities. And my fifteen-year-old by the way did most of the shoveling this morning a few hours after I did the porch and steps so no one would slip on them, especially me. By this evening the snow had stopped and some had melted in the streets or turned to slush and has fallen off the trees in even greater clumps one of them hitting me on the head but thankfully I was wearing my hoodie up.

And then tonight some friends and later one friend watching Bill Maher with me, not a great show, but a better monologue than usual, when usually it's the other way around.

And now to bed and some reading and more work to do tomorrow on one of the challenges I'm dealing with and maybe the gym and food shopping and hopefully some writing and reading and music and life goes on and I am so grateful for every minute of it.


  1. thanks for your positive thoughts. yes, life goes on. what a beautiful thing!

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