Thursday, April 18, 2013


So not only did a majority on the Senate vote for the new compromise gun regulation law calling for background checks, and the arcane contemporary use of "the filibuster rule" used to nonetheless determine the bill failed to pass (!)...

...but the bill represents similar regulations that The Republican Party, even some of their more rightwing members, supported in the past, when our president wasn't African-American. Hmmmm....

(Not that they wouldn't have done the same if Hilary or Gore were president, it's their shift to the far right that has led to this temporary impasse, temporary because I have faith that enough people will react to their cowardice and rectify this situation in the next election, or maybe more hope than faith only because of the amount of money the rightwing gazzilionaire backers will pour into campaigns that will be full of lies about what the bill really has in it, as they did with the Healthcare bill and other centrist compromises Obama and the Dems have come up with.)

But the main point I want to make is for all those who continue to propagate the myth that there's no difference between Republican and Democratic politicians in Washington, cause the reality is, as President Obama made clear in his response to the failure of the bill to pass, 90% of Republicans voted against it, 90% of Democrats voted for it. That's a real difference, no matter how disappointed you might be in the Dems, they are still usually on the better side of the issues.


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  3. Anonymous suggested that Jim is a "pedophile" but this is not true, as a pedophile is an adult who likes children. By most definitions, Jim is not an adult, as this involves maturity, which I think we can all agree is completely lacking in this person. Secondly, as someone who has expressed zero remorse or concern over the heinous, unfathomable murder of twenty defenseless,innocent children in Newtown, it is clear that he doesn't give a damn about children, in fact he despises them. His swollen, yet empty head is stuck so far up his own putrid,foul you-know-what that he cannot see beyond his own s.

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