Friday, May 17, 2013


So it turns out the people in charge of the IRS policy that the Repubs have been screaming about, as well as the one handling the "talking points" for Ambassador Rice about Benghazi that they've also been screaming about, were both Bush Junior appointees!

Maybe Obama was smart to react to the IRS thing as though the Repubs were right and it was some sort of attack based on ideology (of course they and we know it wasn't, it was looking for groups who pretend to be about social causes when they're really about politics and trying to elect their people without scrutiny of their finances etc.) because it might give him the opportunity to fire Republican appointees in the government, usually impossible to make happen (let alone hire his own appointees many of which the Repubs continue to hold out on, some since Obama's first term!).


  1. What perplexes me is how so many normally astute people are getting swept up in the scandal mentality. It's so plain what is happening here.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. These brouhahas are mere petty politics compared to the drone killings and the annulment of civil rights under the Patriot Act and the Defense Authorization Act.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Careful, Jim, you're almost sounding like a (shudder) liberal.

  6. Sorry "Shem" but the stalker had to be deleted due to his false syllogisms, i.e. lies.
