Been a real rollercoaster of a ride with the news lately heh? It's always true that any given day has what's called "good news" and "bad news" but the last couple of days have been like the new weather patterns, extreme.
The set back from the Supreme Court to the Voting Rights act—Texas as I understand it already chomping at the bit to reinstate voter I.D. requirements that discriminate against the poor etc.—and then the same court's overruling Prop 8 in California—which had outlawed "gay marriage"—and overturning a crucial aspect of the Defense of Marriage Act, so that the federal government can no longer discriminate against legally married anybodies, damn talk about opposite extremes.
And then there's Wendy Davis in Texas at the state legislature pulling of a real MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON Jimmy Stewart filibuster moment to prevent a draconian anti-abortion law from passing. She's definitely a new hero and one the Dems should put up for national office as soon as possible, an inspiration.
While in my neck of the woods, in a nearby town (one of several that border mine) a home robbery was caught on camera with a two hundred pound grown man caught on a nannie cam beating mercilessly a startled housewife whose house he broke into with her three year old watching and her willing to give up whatever he wanted but him beating her horribly for a long time as if venting some gender or racial or personal vengeance on whatever she stood for to him. Horrible to watch and worse knowing it was very close to some of my dearest friends.
Let's not even get into the Snowden affair that the corporate media is treating like a chase movie rather than an expose of a terribly overreaching government spy complex. Where are all the outbursts from the rightwing "Originalists" when it comes to the proliferation of secret agencies and spying which has no place in our Constitution, etc.
Life is full of disappointment and satisfaction, things to cheer and things to jeer, heartbreak and joy and all, and these certainly haven't been the most startling examples of radically oppositional extremes over a short period, but they sure have seemed like it.
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ReplyDeleteSo many unthinking people buy into unfounded anti-Obama-ism. They dont acknowledge that we were headed for complete ruin under Bush and that Obama has kept us alive in an avalanche of destruction, opposition, ignorance and pure hate - which is the unfortunate by product of the very freedom we enjoy and which would not be tolerated in most other societies - the freedom to be an ignorant, unthinking, hateful lemming. Robert
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ReplyDeleteThese are turning out to be fabricated spin jobs.
ReplyDeleteAnd i dont see your freedom to be ignorant and hateful, or to go to the store and buy whatever you want at any time, being infringed.
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ReplyDeleteHmmm record high temperatures in Las Vegas and the southwest...---by the "logic" of The Deny-er" this validates Global Warming (his using unseasonably cold days to deny man-caused climate imbalance). Robert Z