Friday, June 28, 2013


Interesting. Three women in the news this past week.

One was a single parent who worked her way through Harvard law school and became a Texas legislator and a new hero of mine for her courageous filibuster that stopped an abortion law for Texans that would have been precedent setting in its interference in a woman's right to control her own body, etc.

One helped legitimize gay marriage at least for the states where they're legal. An elderly woman who lost her life partner several years ago to death and who only came out about that relationship in recent years but felt wronged by the federal government taxing her partner's estate in ways the survivor of a straight married couple would not be.

And the third, a Southern woman with incredibly backward attitudes about everything from food to race to feminism who defends herself by acting as if the Civil Rights struggle and problems with bad food causing illness and death were just recent developments that she shouldn't be held accountable for contributing to because she "is what I is"—which some Southerners point out is the punch line in a racist joke about African-Americans, etc.

All white, these ladies, all blonde, all strong, independent, mature women, making difficult choices, One was rewarded with fame and fortune by our society. Interesting that it was the one who was contributing mostly negatively to our society, encouraging people to eat unhealthily, and in the work place treating people inhumanly if the witnesses bearing testimony are to be believed, and there's too many of them to discount.

The first two are the ones who deserve the fame and fortune. I'm grateful that they received at least some recognition and I hope it helps them. But they're the ones that have contributed something lastingly worthwhile to our country and our culture, even if only as examples. I sure wish this society could gets its priorities in order and see that the common welfare should come first, not individual success at the expense of others...


  1. That's a very perceptive pattern that I doubt too many other people will pick up on, Michael.

  2. Yes, yes, yes. I guess being brave and true to one's beliefs must, as usual, suffice for reward.

  3. This is a semi non sequitor, but nurses/caregivers, teachers and school administrators should have higher salaries and benefits in relation to pro athletes, movie stars and ceo's etc. robert z

  4. excellent observation,Michael...what a week, eh? whiplash with all that is going on....whew

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  6. There's so much murder on this planet espoused by those who would put guns in the hands of those not qualified to have them. So please stop your utter hypocrisy. Everything you spew is anti life and anti quality of life. And how dare you use your children as emotional fodder for your argument. No one did or would tell you to abort them, you were free to choose the path you did with them.

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