Tuesday, August 13, 2013


"...remember a man's real work is what he is going to do, not what is behind him."  —Ezra Pound (from a letter to William Carlos Williams)


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  2. I'm really sorry the stalker's need for attention has migrated to your blog as well. As for the quote, it reverberated for me as a young man when I first read it and copied it into a notebook I keep of quotes from books I'm reading etc. At the time I think it gave me comfort and inspiration to not "rest on my laurels" nor ignore the feeling of urgency to create something new just because I'd already done that to whatever extent... something like that Robert. I have since come to the same realization of "time" as you and do my best to live in the moment or "the eternal now" as my friend Selby used to call it, but in that moment this quote reminds me to not focus on the past but to get to work on the next thing I am compelled or inspired or feel is necessary for me to do.

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