Saturday, August 24, 2013


Another beautiful day in The Berkshires with the return of Summer Fest to Great Barrington, which meant lots of live music on three different outdoor stages all day as well as sidewalk vendors, including it seemed a lot of variations on the sausage theme.

The best thing though may have been the capper. When I went out to move my car to a space that won't get ticketed for parking overnight, I was greeted with the sound of a drum circle, serious Brazilian drumming from a circle of maybe a dozen drummers echoing down the street.

They had played earlier in the day in front of the town hall to a constantly growing crowd drawn by their spectacular rhythms, and were finishing a gig at The Gypsy Joynt when, according to one of the many family members who run the Joynt, they decided it had become too hot inside so moved outside.

There was a growing crowd of people encircling the drummers and dancing, some with wild abandon, others, like me, slightly more contained but still moving to the beat. The air was cooling down (59 degrees according to my phone) but the drummers and the crowd weren't, at least not music wise.

Nice way to say goodnight to the world at the end of another day to be grateful for.


  1. This reminds me of the "Drums Stop, Very Bad" joke.

  2. Had to have Miles explain that comment to me. Very funny.
