This should be the only message Democrats including the president should be using to challenge the Republicans rightwingers who are trying to cut Food Stamps and Medicare and eliminate Obamacare etc. while at the same time insisting corporate and wealthy individual taxes are too high and need to be cut as well.
[Full disclosure: RJ's an old friend, but what he explains in this post would be essential whoever wrote it.]
Lal ...
ReplyDeleteThanks for pulling my coat to RJ's latest. As usual, it was right on.
But, I stepped back and realized that if everyone outside of the top one percent agreed with RJ and took everything he says to heart, would it make a damn bit of difference? [Hoping the following does not get me in trouble with the NSA and other monitoring entities.] The answer is "no," which means to me that the only way this will ever change for the betterment of the 99% is as a result of a true revolution, violent if need be. I challenge anyone to prove to me otherwise. We (the 99%) got our black/liberal leader and he has not been able to change much at all. I probably won't be around to see most of the coming revolution, but I am sure (very sure) that it will come. The facts that RJ gives us (which are going to get even worse as time goes by) make it inexorable ... welcome to dystopia.
~ Willy
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ReplyDeleteI'm hoping the answer is "yes" though the rightwing one percenters' money is continually filling the heads of a lot of 99ers' with dis and mis and deliberately unture information to keep them confused and misdirected. But I hear ya Willy.
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ReplyDeleteThe troll unleashed? Wha?UsedC 58
ReplyDeleteAs I've said before, he's managed to actually shut down blogs of friends of mine or shut down their comments sections because of his relentless rightwing stalking, for which I am deeply sorry. I made the mistake of being friendly with the guy when he first reappeared in my life. Wish I'd never known him. And I think that's the only person out of the tens of thousands I've encountered in a long and varied life that I would say that about.
ReplyDeleteWilly, what does C 58 mean?
ReplyDeleteWhat a curse. He sounds psycho to me. He is beyond obsessed. No one deserves something like this
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ReplyDeleteRegarding C-58: No, Lal, you do not need your secret de-coder ring. It was part of the squiggly figures that we type in to get our comments sent. Somehow I typed it into my comment and did not notice it until after I had sent it.
ReplyDelete~ Willy
Willy, I thought maybe it was some code I could use to block the stalker. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteI am sure this idiot Jim is in heaven--he can't be (for the first time in his pitiful life) rejected--just deleted.
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ReplyDeleteJim, Michael is not legally or morally obligated to dialog with you. He occasionally leaves your comments up when they are within the ballpark of reason and truthfulness. It's his blog and he can delete you as he sees fit. This, by the way, is in accordance with the Founding Documents you constantly invoke but which your diatribes continually contradict.
ReplyDeleteI have suggested that you start your own blog where you will be free to say what you want.
Robert, thank you for your reasonable response to some of the messages I deleted. The rightwing stalker knows that other opinions than mine have been kept on the comments section but that I have a warning on the top right side about "no cursing people out or telling lies about them" and yet he continues to lie about people, including me and my friends, but more obviously about some of the people I post who have political differences with the latest rightwing line (which if you go back in the blog's archives to all the years when I allowed his comments to stay up you will see changed depending upon what position his rightwing media and political masters were taking). The problem is that even when I allow one of his more harmless comments to remain, he takes it as an opening to resume his deliberately false attacks. (Either deliberate or he has actually begun to lose his mind because of the hatred spawned by Obama's two electoral victories etc.) And as I have said too many times, if you go back in the blog archives you will see how often I and others tried to engage him in a dialogue, including pointing out the misinformation and outright lying some of his comments included. But when we did, instead of countering our resorting to actual factual evidence of his lying, he would rush to another topic entirely and shortly begin crudely cursing me, mostly, and sometimes you Robert and others, and a few times even emailing me challenges to physically fight him as we did when we were boys when I would always take him up on it but also always treated him better than the other kids did, another mistake I'm afraid. And because he continues to make his comments toward me so personal, it is perhaps revealing to point out that he came from a more privileged background and neighborhood than mine in the same town, with an entirely different set of experiences outside of school, and managed to avoid the military and go to work in the financial "industry"—which I might add did not turn others I know with similar histories into parrots of the day's rightwing propaganda machine line.
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ReplyDeleteJim, seriously, start your own blog, then you can say whatever you want without being deleted. The fact that you keeping coming back to this one as you do indicates an ulterior motive other than that of purely expressing your views, but more wanting to pick a fight for the sake of this alone, and not for purely expressing your views. Think about this, if you can, and if you're honest with yourself, you'll see that I am right and am offering you a good suggestion.
ReplyDeleteNice try Robert, but nothing seems to work. Now he keeps demanding I point out "one lie" when as I have already pointed out above I and others have done over and over again but when we do, as for instance if I did it here, he would come back with a comment aiming elsewhere to deflect having to admit any culpability. It's a waste of time engaging him. I have tons of Republican friends I love and respect and when we disagree we accept our differences or we engage in a discussion, sometimes heated, that usually ends up with concessions on both sides to points well made and backed up by factual evidence. That's not the case with this guy. You are totally right that all he wants to do is pick a fight. Maybe it helps him in ways we don't know so God bless the mammy jammer. But I'm still gonna delete him.
ReplyDeleteAmen stepfather and stepsister (his full daughter) fell out decades ago, like 35+ years ago and wouldnt speak-both so stubborn but so alike. I would write letters to him every few years trying to get him to reach out but he refused, un a very critical way. Finally, when he was in his mid 80s, i wrote him yet again and he reached out to her this time and for the last couple of years of his life, they were in close touch. Exemplifying Lao Tzu's words that "steady wind shapes mountains."
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