Sunday, September 1, 2013


The graphs go by too quickly and the type in them is too small, but the talk itself makes it all pretty clear and is the best argument against the right-wingers, if they could only hear the logic in it:


  1. So clear and concise. And yet, I've heard this anti-Reaganomic argument for years now (and agree with it) but it's still puzzling why it's not accepted.

  2. Hope that comment doesn't activate troll-traffic.

  3. It does baffle the mind how anyone with a brain cannot see the reality of this. But it obviously depends on how personal interest is identified. Many years ago in the 1960s, SDS leader Carl Ogelsby wrote a paper on Yankee vs. Texas capitalism with the idea that Yankee capitalism, embodied by JFK and his clan, saw that in order to sell US goods the poor and working class in "third world countries" had to be better paid in order to buy these goods, so pushed things like The Peace Corps etc. to help a "middle class" rise in latin America et. al. while the Texas capitalists (Bush's family/Haliburton et. al.) saw the exploitation of third world countries for any wealth it could create for personal profit ignoring the long term goal of building a consumer society etc. Oglesby gave me a copy of the first draft but I don't know where or if it was published.

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  9. As far as I know, you are the only person he deletes. Why not just quit stalking him?

  10. The stalker isn't content to pester me and my friends here, but has actually stalked some of the sites I recommend to the point where their owners shut them down in exasperation. And that is exactly how the right works. They cannot win with reason and logic and facts as has been proven time and again on this blog back in the years when I thought the stalker wanted a discussion, but what happened whenever an argument of his was exposed for the lies and misinformation and distortions they always contain, he would change the subject to attack with different lies etc. or resort to name calling and threats, actually even challenging me to some sort of physical altercation as if we were still school boys, so the tactic he and the rightwing propagandists he parrots use is to wear any opposition down with their repetitive lies until a half lie seems acceptable enough to just get them off our backs. But they will never quit because they are financed by billionaires whose interests they represent and who cater to their prejudices and fears, etc.

  11. And yes Anonymous, he is the only person I delete.

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  13. Deletion is the completion of the flushing of toxic excretion

  14. Michael, thank you for sharing. It is not a new idea that making the masses able to consume will be for the good of all. Even for the rich, long term. It seems to be a forgotten truism in modern life, where the world's economy switched from local to global. Just a matter of time though. But we might not be around when the next Ford comes around. (I won't comment on his racist shit. He got the rest right.) It's really so idiotically simple that if people get paid decently for work and get the means to conume the economy will grow. Plus how could the rich get richer without infrastructure? Which is paid by taxes. By the rest of us. Which the rich don't want to contribute to. Hiring laywers and moving their funds off shore just to avoid paying taxes. Even some of our biggest and most beloved companies cheat us all in the end. Why? Short sighteness, greed and a morality only Wall Street sharks could have invented.
    The rich can't get rich by working on their own, or buying their own shit. Simple as that.
    They don't live in a vcuum. Well, maybe the rest of us will soon. They suck out the air. In a vacuum we all die.
