Wednesday, October 30, 2013


The noise in the background was coming from another closed off room, and the camera work is just my good friend John shooting from his iPhone. The beginnings were cut off. In this first one I had read the title, "How the Light Gets In" (from the Leonard Cohen line and the theme of the evening) before the video starts (not sure why I sound like I have false teeth or something, but you'll at least get a taste of the poem, written that afternoon for the reading and revised during the sound check and edited in my head as I read, which also goes for the poems that follow).

This next one is an excerpt from my long poem "Of" which I often read and had been introducing it by talking about my oldest son, Miles, who was on this same bill, or a song he wrote was (performed by the singers in the band Bell Engine, Miles plays bass in, but for this venue it was just the singers, John and Lisa in their beautiful harmony with John taking the lead to new heights, backed by the band's electric guitarist Dan, hopefully I'll have video of that to share too) and I was saying how touched I was by his song and how lucky that he survived growing up with me as the poem I was about to read would show.

And this was read partly in recognition of the passing of Lou Reed, a poem I wrote in the '80s I think, which this video catches the last word of the title before I muff the first line, the title being "Walk On the Wild Side"...'nuff said.


  1. Hey Lal

    Great stuff, as always. Is it my imagination or are you sounding more and more Irish as the years pass?

    ~ Willy

  2. Oh- Thank you, thank you. I don't know how the heck you wrote How The Light Gets In the day of the reading - I can only say I listened to it over and over to take some of your light in. If circumstance prevents you from being there in person, video replay sure is a sweet taste of the evening. Happy you had a great night.

  3. You're welcome Jen, and Willy, I thought I was sounding more and more toothless...

  4. Hi Michael...I so enjoyed watching these posts...great to see you in action.


  5. A real treat to hear you read your stuff. Emotionally moving, insightful, funny and hip. Thank you.

  6. My pleasure Bob, and glad you dug it Suzanne. I don't know about you guys, but it's weird to see this old man in photos and on film where I used to be. Not that I mind. I'm grateful to still be here and able to get up and read my work and have someone dig it. As always.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. lol...Michael, are you missing that beautiful long hair that for years hung half way down your are the silver fox now.
