Friday, February 21, 2014


Nice almost Spring-like temperatures today and tomorrow, but I threw my back out yesterday shoveling heavy ice and icy snow that I could've left alone but was getting some negative energy out, I thought. Never a good idea. So flat on my back all day with occasional forays to other parts of the apartment leaning on my teenager or, bending-over struggling-to-take-a-step, by myself. This too shall pass, which thankfully, experience has taught me. Meanwhile, I'm getting some reading done. No writing though, other than this, for now.


  1. Ouch, feel better soon, I know the feeling all too well now.

  2. I wish you would retire from snow-shoveling.

  3. thanks Cait...and I think I have tpw

  4. I think many NJ residents will be retiring from snow shoveling after this winter. How do you feel about swimming?(Not at this moment) Water in any form gets rid of negative energy, even in the YMCA form. Most Ys even have a warm sauna too. Rest, recup, and feel better. I'll buy a giant snow blower to ensure next year will be a mild winter -
