Thursday, March 27, 2014


Me at a reading I did at Books & Co. c. 1980. That's poet Greg Masters right behind my right shoulder and two other poets whose names I know well but this late at night with my post-op brain I can't get those names to come out of my fingers onto the keyboard! [As I was falling asleep the name of the bearded poet all the way to my right came to me: Gary Lenhart—and then the name, I think, of the bespectacled one all the way to my left: Steve Levine] [I've been reminded that this is likely a reading I did with Ray DiPalma and Ted Greenwald, but these are the only two photos I was given by whoever took them]
Me and poet/dance critic Edwin Denby I think at the same reading as above only after I took my coat off (with I believe poet Nick Piombino over my right shoulder).
Me and actress Karen Allen at a reading at The Bookstore in Lenox, Mass. c. 1997 (Karen introduced a solo reading for my then new book CANT BE WRONG).
Poet/writer Aram Saroyan, poet/songwriter Terence Winch and me at a reading at Book Soup in Hollywood sometimes in the 1990s [1994, see Terry's comment below].
Fiction writer Dale Herd and me at a reading I gave at Beyond Baroque in Venice, CA, c. 2004.
Me and poet Ray DiPalma at a reading we did at St. Marks, NYC, I think in 2011.


  1. More great photos. Did you bring a photographer with you to every event you've ever participated in? I hope you've provided your archive with copies of all these photos. (I remember how excited we all were upon first discovering Denby's urbane & technically perfect sonnets.)

  2. PS---I remember that that reading with you & Aram coincided with the very sad news of Joe Brainard's death.

  3. Thanks tp, so that would make the L.A. reading 1994.
