Friday, March 7, 2014


So if you're anywhere near Maplewood NJ this Sunday at 11AM, I'll be speaking and reading some poems at The Ethical Culture Society on the corner of Parker Avenue and Prospect Street. Here's the link, and if you click on the topic ("roots") it will give you a little info on the topic and me.

The last time I did this was before my brain operation, as I remember it, and was one of the best things I've ever done in public. Unfortunately it wasn't filmed so you'll have to take my word on that. I'm a little curious as to how this post-brain-op mind of mine will do this time.

When I write these posts, and on my various book projects and poetry, I can take my time and rewrite and correct all the accidental typos etc. But spontaneously riffing on a topic with the help of a few poems I'll probably decide on as I'm waiting to be introduced, as much as the challenge of that always excited me and sometimes led to great results (sometimes not), this time, just might mean some stumbling and awkward white outs. Guess we'll see.


  1. Wish I could be there. In spirit and love, Eve

  2. would have been nice if you had been...turned out pretty well...
