Sunday, April 13, 2014


As the U.N. releases another report on climate change warning of dire consequences if we don't stop using carbon based sources of energy, and others make clear if we had only adopted the cap and trade tax that's been on the political agenda since Jimmy Carter, or adopt it now, it would barely dent the mega billions the oil companies, and Koch brothers behind some of them, make every year but would eliminate our deficit and cut pollution by at least ten percent rather than increasing it by even more as without it continues to happen (let's not even get into how the Congress, led by the rightwing Republican dominated House, has extended the enormous tax breaks and corporate welfare for big oil paid for by us taxpayers but ended tax incentives for alternative energy!!!!!), and maybe then we wouldn't have temperature swings of forty degrees in a day or two as we did all Winter and are about to have for what we used to call Spring, but this Spring was initially still Winter and today was Summer (in the 80s here) and in a few days will be Fall will massive protests descend on Congress demanding action to END THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EARTH BY BIG OIL!!!!!!!.....


  1. Gee, now all that's left is for the Republicans to win the Senate in the 2014 elections. I'm sad to say that such a disaster appears to be likely.

    ~ Willy

  2. yeah, obviously between gerrymandering and rightwing propaganda media dominating those gerrymandered districts, "we the people" has become "we the rightwing loyalists" while too many "liberal" Democrats and Independents bow out or give up or rehash the old canard that "there's not a dime's worth of difference" that keeps the sommabitches in power...
