Saturday, September 13, 2014


I've been getting requests on Facebook to make a short list of things I'm grateful for.

As I've written here, and elsewhere, after my brain operation in the Fall of 2009 my compulsion to constantly make lists was not only gone, I couldn't even force myself to make a list beyond two items, at least not without help.

But that seems to have lately been changing a little. So over the past several days I have been pushing myself to find more than one or two general things to be grateful for. And now I have come up with three:

1—I'm grateful for all the things I thought of at the time as "good" that happened in my life so far, even those that I later changed my mind about and thought of as "bad"...

2—I'm grateful for all the things I thought of as "bad" that happened in my life so far, especially those that I later changed my mind about and thought of as "good"...

3—I'm grateful for the practice of gratitude, that I developed with much help over the years, that has led me to almost always find a way to be grateful for whatever happens in life and attempt to see it as neither "good" nor "bad" but just what is...


  1. There's a large number of people out there who, when I mention anything regarding gratitude, will literally roll their eyes and exude a 'Okay, Pollyanna, whatever you say...'

    Granted, it's not always an appropriate concept to bring up but it's rarely given its due as an source of healing, if only as a first step.
