Saturday, October 4, 2014


Finally saw GRAVITY. I understand what the fuss was about, though only by imagining it on a big screen, and why Sandra Bullock was nominated. The tension was often impressive, the visuals too at times, and the acting extremely competent, especially considering the actors were working with green screens etc.

But, it certainly wasn't worthy of the "best" of anything other than special effects award, despite it's being very good. And I found the ending unsatisfying, wishing it had gone on to a more complete resolution, I mean that we had been allowed to see that. As it was, it seemed stagey as can be to me.


  1. I don't see what the fuss was about. I found it really tedious throughout.

  2. maybe you saw it on the small screen too, but I can imagine that on the big screen, especially one of those IMax ones, that the special effects were completely seductive...

  3. ...I should have added, to many viewers...

  4. i'm a great fan of the director's last movie, CHILDREN OF MEN, an unsung masterpiece of dystopian vision.

    when i saw the trailer for GRAVITY i was completely stoked. i thought it would be a meditation of mortality in the cosmos. instead we get a melodrama with spectular FX.

    i didn't see this movie on the big screen -- hence losing much of its visiual magic -- yet i bought the DVD sight unseen based on the strength of CHILDREN OF MEN and the strong trailers. this is not a bad movie. but the ending was a let-down and the characters were a bit overdrawn reactions against the exigencies of orbital space travel. in short, i thought this movie was a brilliant failure.

  5. I dug CHILDREN OF MEN as well Richard, so expected more...your comment offers a good perspective, thanks...
