Monday, March 7, 2016


Pretty much every time I see a new Michael Moore documentary I think: Everyone needs to see this. WHERE TO INVADE NEXT is no exception. Though it's an unfortunate title, based on an unfortunate sight gag Moore uses to connect segments that would be better served by the title MAKE THE USA GREAT AGAIN. But most people probably would no more get the irony in that title than in WHERE TO INVADE NEXT.

The film is actually a look at all the great innovations various countries are using to make the lives of their citizens better, and that would work great here if we adopted them, even if, as it turns out, they got most if not all of these great innovative ideas from the USA where they were originally conceived, and even in some cases practiced, before corporate rightwing force brought their influence to bear.

It really is eye opening, even for those of us who already knew the facts. Just to have them all in one mostly entertaining film is rewarding. But for those who don't know, this film is a must see. If only Trump's followers could be made to sit through it, they'd come out not only better informed but better prepared to demand that we actually do "make America great again" by reintroducing policies that were discarded but have gone on to improve other countries, like make Finland the best educated populace in the world etc.

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