The day after I was born,
German U boat 106 sank
a US tanker in the Gulf of
Mexico. Twenty-two were
killed. Hitler and his allies
had been winning World
War Two and it looked like
they were about to take
over the world. Including
the USA. Three years later
Germany surrendered and
the war in Europe was over,
followed pretty soon after
by the end of the war in the
Pacific. In my brief three
year old life the world had
witnessed the greatest
death and destruction in
the history of humanity. It
was tragic and deeply sad
but even so, great acts of
courage and kindness,
sacrifice and love were
committed, great art and
music and movies and
more were made. Nothing
anywhere near as massively
brutal and deadly has occurred
since. Despite continuing wars
and oppression, the world has
not in my now seventy-four
years ever been as peaceful
or as free as it is now. That’s
not to slight the severity of
anyone’s experience of
cruelty or repression, but
only to say as my old friend
Selby used to, that you
can’t have up without down,
success without failure,
pleasure without pain, dark
days without ones filled
with light. Let us be that
light for those who need it.
(C) Michael Lally
amen, hermano. thank you.