Thursday, February 16, 2017


Me as "Captain Bubb" on the DEADWOOD set, the first time I ever rode a horse, which I didn't tell the casting director but did the wrangler in charge of the horses on the show, so he gave me a very gentle, sweet one whose name I have unfortunately forgotten, but who I rode for three weeks almost every day, sometimes in the saddle for hours, even in one scene (that got cut) galloping into the town and jumping off, over and over again, doing it perfectly each time (the repeats were for technical reasons), thanks to this sweet fellow creature who I grew to love in those three weeks...


  1. Yippee-ki-yay, brother. I remember seeing you in this when I watched Deadwood. By the way, we were flipping through the channels a couple of weeks ago and saw you in Law & Order, playing "Paul Wheeler" in the "Vaya Con Dios" episode, originally airing in 2000. I had not seen that one, and in fact I did not know you had appeared in Law & Order. In that regard, what was it like working with Jerry Orbach? My gut feeling is that he was a pretty cool dude, but as is often the case, seemingly cool actors often turn out to be hard to work with assholes. (So I have heard about Val Kilmer to name one, and Christian Bale to name another). What was your take on Jerry. Did you run across Sam Waterston?

  2. Hate to report that I found almost everyone on that episode of Law & Order cold and aloof and dismissive of any attempts I made to have a conversation, except for Angie Harmon, who was incredibly nice and just a decent fellow human, and every time I ran into her afterward at events or in restaurants etc. she was equally as friendly and just a normal human...I tried to compliment Orbach about how great I thought he was in the Broadway stage version of Chicago and he reacted like I'd pissed in his soup...Waterson was just distant, non conversational etc....we sat on the set all day and between takes I'd try to engage him in some conversation but his non answers or just ignoring my comments led me to conclude he obviously didn't want to interact other than in the scene...with Orbach it felt like he was just an aggravated guy, with Waterson it felt more like he was just a withdrawn guy...
