I had so much fun last night at The New School sharing my poetry, experiences, and stories with an appreciative audience that included so many dear friends I can't name them all (and would probably forget some and feel bad, though I did give shout outs to quite a few who were in the packed room).
But I have to mention two who came the farthest, my oldest and dearest friends: the poet, writer, and traditional Irish music composer and performer Terence Winch, who came all the way from DC, and the actor, director (both stage and now movies) who I knew originally as a poet when she was young, Karen Allen, came all the way down from Western Mass. Seeing their faces sitting in the front row cheering me on, as always, made me feel comfortable enough to give as loose and revealing a presentation as ever.
And it was all arranged by the great writer and teacher, David Lehman, who introduced me and after I read asked questions in the Q&A session, with his usual wit and insight. Though for me, it could be called Q&AAAAAAAA... Since, as my friend poet Rachel Diken put it afterward, all you have to do is ask me a question and then hit record and sit back. I can go on. But I was happy to be allowed to.
i like to think of myself as being a cool cucumber when it comes to celebrities, being non-impressed because they, hollywood actors/actresses, are flawed, suffering human beings too. but i would be tongue-tied, nervous and humble in the presence of karen allen. she starred in two of my favorite movies, STARMAN and the first INDIANA JONES flick. but allen's performance in STARMAN is a tour de force. i saw that movie when i was 16 years old and fell in love with her character. it is one of my most favorite films. and karen allen is one of my most favorite actresses.