Saturday, August 12, 2017


There was a good crowd in the theater I saw this in, which made me happy. But I thought of all the people who need to see this film and won't, either out of lack of interest or actual prejudice against anything that questions their beliefs.

I actually held back sobs a few times, overwhelmed by the fragility of our planet and the abuse it has taken and is now responding to in ways that may be irreversible. Thinking of my grandchildren and yours, and of their children and their children, the future can seem very bleak.

The film ad campaign online and elsewhere tries to project the hope that Al Gore keeps rising back to despite his own "despair" (his word) at times of defeat for a cause that should be drawing more strength than it seems to. After all, it's the only world we have, as Gore points out.

I found his dedication and capacity for rebirthing hope in himself and then in others, over and over again despite the odds, quite poignant. His stoic and sometimes stiff personality (which cost him votes that might have made the right's ability to steal the 2000 election from him despite his win, more difficult) adds to the poignancy, because it's so clear what a righteously committed human he is to a cause we all should be as committed to.

Worth seeing just to feel energized in a new way about this cause, despite the setbacks that are occurring now (though they are energizing action too, like all the states and cities committing to The Paris Agreement despite the administration's withdrawal from it).

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