Thursday, October 19, 2017


me doing my notorious finger pointing dance move at a niece's wedding, with another niece, Jennifer, dancing with her husband, David, behind me, New Jersey c. 2007
from viewer's left to right Paul Schneeman, my oldest son Miles Lally, me holding Emil's baby, George Schneeman (r.i.p.), and Emil Schneeman, with my youngest son Flynn Lally and my grandson Donovan Lally, at George's apartment/studio on Saint Mark's Place, NYC c. 2008
me clapping, my oldest son Miles in fedora and flannel almost out of frame to my left, and my youngest son Flynn in front of me, at the Maplewood NJ o.g. skate park, long since replaced, c. 2008
the Lally clan reunion in Belmar NJ 2011
my 70th birthday party in Great Barrington MA 2012 (I can spy Bill Lannigan in window, that's Jim Keefe with his back to camera far right, and me face lit behind him, and Karen Allen dancing to my right, with my son Miles behind me playing base in the late Bell Engine band et. al.
my back to camera in the gray suit I'd just bought for Alec Baldwin's wedding and didn't know I was supposed to cut the threads in back at the bottom connecting the vents or whatever they're called, and Robert Kennedy Jr. looking at me but actually ignoring my attempt to make small talk which I suck at, NYC 2012
at the ceremony for poet/songwriter/musician Terence Winch's honorary doctorate in Madison Square Garden (if I'm remembering correctly), me in long hair at the viewer's right, and in red sweater Terry's wife the artist Susan Campbell, next to Terence, and their talented musician son Michael, etc. NYC c. 2014?
a Poetry In Motion night with poets and comics and musicians etc. including on the viewer's far left me, with a hand on poet Elinor Nauen's shoulder, and co-founder and now sole organizer of Poetry In Motion Eve Brandstein with long black hair bending down behind the late great comic/actor/writer Taylor Negron, in light blue shirt, and in front of him, and foremost in the photo, the great composer/performer/musician Sylvana Joyce, et. al. at The Cutting Room NYC c. 2015 

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