Monday, March 5, 2018


my internet and cable have been down since friday's storm...concast message says to check their website for updates!...i'm checking in for the first time at a was sad to miss the oscars in real time, first time that's happened, I think, since my family got its first TV when I was seven or so...but otherwise its been very peaceful and I've been doing even more for weird messages from me....I almost never send fb messages...I've also been getting weird ones from some of you, as well as obviously phony email messages...I don't open any links unless I'm sure it's you all...I hate so many aspects of technology and was happy to be free of it mostly the past few days, but I also love the connections to so many friends and acquaintances I otherwise would never be in touch with, so here's to us, and feck the corporations that make the good things so bad sometimes....


  1. Dear Lal--The only way around the dilemma of dependence on tech-machinery is to force yourself to adhere to a limit of, say, maximum two hours a day on-line. The rest is for reading, listening to music, watching films, cooking and eating, walks, hanging out with friends, etc. Meanwhile, I'm not sure you missed all that much by not seeing the Academy Awards. Bob B.

  2. yeah, that's pretty much my life bob, reading and movies and friends and family and etc....fb is just a connection to those I otherwise wouldn't be in touch with...and it's true the oscars ceremony always disappoints on many levels so I don't mind missing that aspect, but it is also a live show with unexpected high points that move me or satisfy me or even at times enlighten well as a gathering that includes some folks Ive known and worked with over the years and a celebration of some of the best in a business that I worked in and still live on a small pension from, so it's fun for me to watch...
