Thursday, January 31, 2019

These are the front and back covers of the second edition of CATCH MY BREATH, which came out in 1995. The first edition came out in 1978 after being finalized in 1974 and the pages printed by the publisher, the late Jim Haining. But the building that housed the press burned down before the pages could be bound, so it all had to be redone. By the time it was all handset again and bound, the entire run had already been pre-sold, so it was never even available to anyone but those who'd already preordered it.

Jim swore he'd do another edition with a bigger run and finally did in '95. That one had an afterword by Jane DeLynn and a back cover photo taken by Susan Tenant outside the first house I lived in (rented) in Santa Monica, after I'd just turned 40 and moved with my kids (and second wife, not their mother)  to "L.A." I used the photo for a headshot in what was then the first years of a TV and film acting "career" which wasn't going that well at the time. Perhaps my partly menacing look had something to do with that.

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