Sunday, February 3, 2019


A message from the director of the documentary about me and my poetry, Rachel E. Diken, about the wrap party she's organized from 6-9PM on February 17th at The Woodland (upstairs parlor) only a block from the Maplwood NJ train station. Please get your tickets (you can purchase them for as little or as much as you want, and children are welcome) as soon as possible so she can notify the caterers donating food, how many will be attending. And by the way I have not seen the new "sizzle reel" nor any of the footage nor had any input other than sending long lists of people I suggested she interview (dependent on scheduling, insurance, etc.).
"That's a wrap!
After an incredible year of filming, the Lally Documentary is heading into post-production. This success was made possible by your heartwarming encouragement, generous donations, attendance at book tour events across the country, and sharing the excitement with friends, family, and colleagues. I hope you'll join the Wrap Party to celebrate this awesome milestone with dancing, food, and the premiere screening of the film's new Sizzle Reel.
Ticket sales function as a fundraiser for post-production, but most important is having you there: so choose your own ticket price and get ready to party!
Earlier this month, The Poetry Foundation released an outstanding essay on Michael Lally, written by scholar and poet Burt Kimmelman. Read it here:…/i-might-die-of-love-for-…
In other celebratory news, the film was awarded its first grant! We're proud to count The Cynipid Fund as one of our supporters.
Thank you for ALL your support of this journey, and hope to see you on Feb. 17th!" —Rachel E. Diken

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