Tuesday, March 26, 2019


My post-brain op complete absence of my compulsive list-making seems to be abating almost ten years later as this morning I woke up and involuntarily started making a list in my head of favorite women writers, here's what I came up with (and I'm sure I'm leaving out many, including friends, so please feel free to make suggestions for additions, but this is still amazing, to me), I alphabetized it too (mostly in my head as I was doing it):

Angela Lockhart Aronoff
Barbara Barg
Anne Beatts
Eve Brandstein
Lee Ann Brown
Theresa Burns
Kate Chopin
Lucille Clifton
Wanda Coleman
Nana-Ana Danquah
Ann Darr
Tina Darragh
Yvonne de la Vega
Jane DeLynn
Emily Dickinson
Rachel E. Diken
Diane di Prima
Lynne Dreyer
Maggie Dubris
Elaine Equi
Mindy Thompson Fullilove
Joanna Fuhrman
Martha Gelhorn
Barbara Guest
Bobbie Louise Hawkins
Susan Hayden
Barbara Henning
Caitlin Lally Hotaling
Deak Hotaling
Mello-Re Houston
Zora Neale Hurston
Patricia Spears Jones
Beth Joselow
Stella Kamakaris
Martha Winston King
Joanne Kyger
Lee Lally
Annabel Lee
Audre Lorde
Phoebe MacAdams
Bernadette Mayer
Lady Murasaki
Merilene M. Murphy
Eileen Myles
Elinor Nauen
Alice Notley
Paula Novotnak
Maureen Owen
Trace Peterson
Holly Prado
Margaret Lally Queenan
Muriel Rukeyser
Jean Rhys
Adrienne Rich
Jamie Rose
Sonia Sanchez
Maria Sarrano
Ally Sheedy
Patti Smith
Gertrude Stein
Hedy Straus
Cecilia Vicuna
Diane Ward
Carrie White
Rebecca Wright


  1. addendum! I just took a walk in the park and my brain went right to adding to the list I made this morning. I hope this doesn't become as compulsive as before, but how strange the brain is, at least mine. Anyway here are the ones that came to me on my walk: Ai, Maya Angelou, Rae Armantrout, Justine Batemen, Betsy Blair, Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge (sp?), Lisa Duggan, Nikki Giovanni, Karen Hubbard, Alice McDermott, Marilyn Mohr, Kathleen Norris, Mary Oliver, Phyllis Rosenzweig, and more I'm already forgetting...

  2. I remember on my walk I also had Donna Brook on that list, and speaking of her she needs all the love and prayers we can send her way.


  3. Lall--Allow me to add the following poets to your list:
    Rita Dove, Camille Dungy, Patricia Goedicke,Linda Gregerson, Jessica Hagedorn, Joy Harjo, Sharon Olds, and the leader of the pack, Anne Sexton.
    Pax et Poesis,
    Shem The Penman

  4. Thank you kindly, Michael!!
    How about Lucia Berlin. I have been reading her short stories and fell in love with them!
